Page 49 of Lips Like Sugar
Cole: Hi Mira.
Mira: Hi Cole.
Cole: Want to hear something weird?
Mira: Always.
Cole: I was walking downtown today, and this man came up to me, pointed a three-pound sleeve of frozen ground beef at my chest, and said, “They told me you need this more than I do.” Then he gave it to me and walked away.
Mira: Seriously?
Cole: Yep.
Mira: He just had a three-pound sleeve of frozen ground beef? Like just walking around with it?
Cole: That’s the weird thing. He must have produced it from thin air because I definitely would have noticed if a dude was coming at me with a three-pound sleeve of frozen ground beef. I might have turned around, or at least dropped eye contact.
Mira: I think you met a bona fide meat magician.
Cole: If I hadn’t been so shocked, I might have asked for his autograph.
Mira: Well, did you?
Cole: Did I what?
Mira: Need the three-pound sleeve of frozen ground beef more than he did?
Cole: I guess we’ll never know. I gave it to Benji at the studio. He’ll literally eat anything.
Mira: That is super weird. But you live in a big city. Doesn’t shit like that happen all the time?
Cole: A complete stranger gifting me frozen meat? Far less often than you’d think.
May 23,10:32pm
Mira: Hi Cole
Cole: Hi Mira
Mira: Did I ever tell you I’m scared of the dark?
Cole: I don’t believe that came up in the two days we hung out.
Mira: I’ve been thinking about the time my stepdad took me to the Elktooth Caverns when I was ten. The tour guide led us down to this deep part of the cave, and with barely any warning, he turned off all the lights. It was so dark I couldn’t see anything. I was so scared I couldn’t move. Then the guide told us no matter how long we stayed down there, our eyes would never adjust to the darkness. I screamed so loud I lost my voice for a week.
Cole: That sounds traumatizing.
Mira: After they got me back up to the surface, they kindly invited me never to return. And I never did. But I was wondering how I’d feel if I went back to the caverns today. I still don’t like the dark. I still have to sleep with twinkly lights in my room. But would it be as scary now? Or do some things stay terrifying no matter how old you get?
Cole: Maybe it depends on why you’re scared of the thing you’re scared of. Do you know why you’re afraid of the dark?
Mira: Do we ever know why we have irrational fears? I mean, they’re irrational.
Cole: Fair point. So nothing bad ever happened to you in the darkness?
Mira: Aside from some bad seven minutes in heaven sessions in middle school?
Cole: Ha! But we all had those, and we’re not all afraid of the dark.