Page 51 of Lips Like Sugar
Cole: How are you?
Mira: I’m good. Did you do anything fun today?
Cole: I made a video for my channel with this twelve-year-old drummer from Alaska. She’s unreal. How about you?
Mira: Nothing much. Worked all day. Went for a walk. Gave myself a facial.
Cole: Nice. I love getting facials.
Mira: You get facials?
Cole: Absolutely. I’m all about good grooming. What else do you like? Manis? Pedis? Massages?
Mira: All! All of the above! I just can’t afford any of them anymore.
Cole: So you gave yourself a facial.
Mira: Never underestimate the importance of self-care, Cole.
Cole: I never would. Why do you think I started texting you?
Mira: …
Cole: It’s true.
Mira: fucking drummers
Cole: ??
May 25,8:49pm
Mira: Hi Cole
Cole: Hi Mira
Mira: Do you like living in Seattle?
Cole: Oh yeah. It’s such a great city. And I love being so close to the water. Although, the rain can be a bit much sometimes.
Mira: The crowds don’t bother you? The traffic? I think I’d feel hemmed in if I couldn’t get away from people whenever I wanted to.
Cole: It’s all I’ve ever known, so I guess I’m used to it. I actually get antsy if there aren’t enough people around. If the streets are empty, I’m like, what happened? Where did everyone go? Is the world about to end? Are the zombies coming? It’s unsettling.
Mira: I could go into the woods for a week with nothing but a tent and a book and be happy never seeing another soul the entire time.
Cole: Really? Who would help you if you got hurt or scared? What if you fell and broke something? What if you got eaten by a bear? Or a mountain lion? I heard they go straight for the face!
Mira: If I got eaten by a bear, I don’t think I’d need any help.
Cole: True. Wait, aren’t the woods dark?
Mira: It’s a different dark, I guess. There are stars, the moon. And I bring lamps. Do you like to camp?
Cole: You may not believe this, but I’ve never been camping.
Mira: Never?!
Cole: Before you draw any conclusions about my soft city boyness, it’s not the bugs or the dirt or anything like that. I would have loved to camp, but my folks were always gone, so they never took me. The Madigans weren’t into it when I lived with them, so we never went. Nancy was vehemently opposed to anything that involved leaving city limits unless we were on tour. And Becks does actually hate bugs.