Page 56 of Lips Like Sugar
Cole: I am a hopeless dreamer. A die-hard romantic. A walking, talking bruise waiting to happen.
Mira: I think that’s what I like about you the most (deleted)
Cole: Wait, you can’t be that much of a realist. Didn’t you tell me you have a wish jar?
Mira: I do. Maybe I’m a tiny bit of a dreamer too, although I burn all my dreams.
Cole: Why do you burn them?
Mira: It feels safer. Like I made the wish, but I didn’t leave it out there. I made it, then let it go. If it comes true, that’s great. But if not, I’ve already made my peace with it.
Cole: Hurts less that way?
Mira: Sigh. You’re right. I’m a realist.
Cole: A realist with the reluctant heart of a dreamer.
Mira: The internal conflict is real.
Cole: haha I bet.
Mira: If money and time weren’t issues, I’d travel more too. Maybe visit Seattle first.
Cole: Come dip a toe in the ocean?
Mira: Something like that.
Cole: I’m smiling pretty big right now.
Mira: Cole, I hope you have a lightning running through your fucking fingers kind of day.
Cole: Same, Mira. Same.
May 29,9:32pm
Cole: Hi Mira
Mira: Hi Cole
Cole: Are you busy?
Mira: Nope. Just hanging with Ian watching TV.
Cole: How was your day?
Mira: Definitely not lightning fingers.
Cole: Uh oh. Did something happen?
Mira: Apparently my mom put the milk in the pantry instead of the fridge a few days ago, and Ian just found it. Because he’s fourteen and into gross stuff, he unscrewed the cap and smelled it and made a huge deal about how nasty it was. Mom got upset because she thought he was making fun of her. I got upset because she started yelling at Ian, which is something she never would have done before all this started, and it just made me so sad and pissed off. And I hate when I get sad and pissed off about her because it makes me feel like a total asshole. I know she doesn’t want to be changing like this. I know she’s not doing any of this on purpose. Anyway, I was trying to protect Ian while also trying to calm Mom down, but I did a shitty job of both because I was too emotional. So they went to their rooms and slammed their doors. And I stood in the kitchen like a statue for ten straight minutes.
Cole: Fuck.
Mira: Yeah.
Cole: How are things now?
Mira: Mom hasn’t left her room yet. But Ian’s okay. We talked it out. But I’m kind of like…what’s next? All the time. I live my life in a constant state of what’s next? We’re at this age where we have to worry about our kids and our parents at the same time, and it’s exhausting.