Page 69 of Lips Like Sugar
“His horse threw him this morning, and he broke his hip. He’s in the hospital now having surgery. I don’t have anyone else to watch over the guys. Nobody else I trust. So I don’t think we can go.”
“Oh, man.”
“I’ve been trying to stay calm and positive for Ashley, but I need to let somebody know how absolutely devastated I am. I hate to admit it, but I’m so burnt out. So is Ashley. And this trip was supposed to be our time to reset, to find enthusiasm for our jobs again, to recharge. I hadn’t realized how much I’d needed that time until I found out I couldn’t have it anymore.”
The buzzing grew, spreading until it tingled over his shoulders, down his arms, arcing into his “lightning fingers,” he said out loud.
“What fingers?” Mad asked.
Thinking so hard on the fly that reason had no chance of catching up, Cole said, “What if someone else could watch Little Timber for you while you were gone?”
“Who? There’s nobody else,” Madigan said. “Clay’s unavailable. I even called Huge Harvey, but he’s too busy with his dogs.”
Sure, he didn’t know the first thing about working with recovering addicts and alcoholics. And if someone asked him what Madigan did every day, what he’d be expected to do, his blank stare would be heard around the world. But he had a friend who needed his help, an absurdly flexible lifestyle, and a heart beating out one word over and over and over: Mira, Mira, Mira. “What about”—he cleared his throat, tugged at his shirt collar—“me?”
“You?” There was no trace of the outright shock Cole expected, which was encouraging. “You’d…be able to?”
“It’s only for a few weeks, right?” Cole scratched his head. “Benji can hold Trax down. And Ruby and Becks are doing great these days. I’m definitely available. Unless you don’t think I have enough experience—”
“You’ll be perfect,” Madigan cut in, excitement and relief kicking his deep voice up a register. “You’re funny, a great listener, and the guys already love you. Are you serious? You’d really do this for us?”
On his right shoulder, the reasonable, responsible Cole whispered that now would be an excellent time to come clean and confess that while he was thrilled to help Mad and Ashley out so they could get the break they needed, he was entire fucking galaxies more jacked to have a legitimate reason to see Mira again. But the louder—and much hornier—Cole on his left shoulder convinced him it wasn’t necessary. “I’d be honored. You two deserve a honeymoon, and I’ve got the time.”And I get to see Mira. I get to see and touch and hold Mira.Even if it was only for a few weeks, he’d take it. He’d take whatever he could get. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
* * *
Walking through his dim,quiet house, Cole made his way down the hall to the nursery. He tapped his fingertips on the door, then pushed it open a crack, finding Becks in the glider nursing Ruby in her arms.
“Can I come in?”
“Sure, Dad.” Sensing something in his expression—excitement, fear, joy, sadness to be leaving them…so many fighting for supremacy he couldn’t begin to guess—she frowned up at him. “What’s up?”
Lowering himself to the floor, leaning back to rest against the crib, he reached out and rubbed Ruby’s tiny foot. “Something’s come up. I have to leave for a few weeks.”
“Where are you going?” She kept her voice level for Ruby’s sake, but he still heard the concern in it.
“Madigan and Ashley need someone to watch Little Timber while they’re on their honeymoon. I offered to help them out.”
“You’re going back to Red Falls? Wait”—her head tilted—“isn’t that where your baker lives?”
Since she already had him pegged, he didn’t bother trying to deny it. “Yep.”
One corner of her mouth hitched, followed quickly by the other. “What a coincidence.”
“Mm-hmm,” he murmured.
“What amazing luck.”
He pressed his lips tight. “Sure is.”
“Some might even call it serendipity.”
“You done?”
“Yeah,” she said, nudging his knee with her toes. “I’m done.”
“I feel bad leaving you two.” He curled his fingers around Ruby’s leg. “She’ll be twice this big when I get back.”
When Ruby unlatched, Becks passed him the baby so she could pull up her shirt and zip up her hoodie.