Page 44 of In This Moment
“Hit somebody, hit anybody, hit everybody,” I chant along with the other fans, my blood pumping from all the excitement.
It’s been so long since I’ve been to a hockey game, I forgot how much I love it. All of it. The loud chanting, the fights on the ice, even the cold. We’re so close to the ice my nose is frozen and my hands are numb. The two beers I’ve consumed are keeping the rest of me nice and toasty though. Well, it’s partially the alcohol and partially because Brenden is so close to me. It’s impossible to keep from touching him. His knee constantly bumping into me, his arm brushing against mine.
“Oh, come on, ref! That was offsides!” I shout. “Are you blind?”
Brenden laughs beside me, grabbing my attention. My eyes have primarily been on the game. But the few times I chanced a glance his way, he was studying me the way he is now.
“What?” I ask, throwing my hands up.
“Nothing.” He shakes his head. “I’m impressed. You know the game well.”
“Oh yeah? Is it my knowledge of the game you find impressive or that someone with a vagina is capable of liking and knowing a sport?” I retort.
He laughs as I elbow him in the side before turning my attention back to the game. The Predators score on the Red Wings’ right as the buzzer sounds. I shoot to my feet, cheering and celebrating with the rest of the fans. Brenden’s stare heats my skin, and my heart flutters as I turn my gaze to meet his.
He leans in, his breath leaving goose bumps on my skin as it brushes across my neck. “Having fun?”
I shake my head, attempting to curve my mouth into a frown as he pulls back to meet my gaze again. His hearty laugh rings out through the arena as the crowd noise simmers, and my lips spread into a wide smile.
“I’m going to hit the head during the break. Do you need to go?”
“I’m good, but I could use another beer.” I hold my finger up and tilt my cup back to finish it off.
“Another one? Are you sure?” he scoffs.
“Yep. I’m a big girl, I can handle it.”
He drops his head, giving it a slight shake before lifting it again to meet my gaze. “Doesn’t that break one of your friendship rules?”
“Getting me a beer?” I sneer, taking my seat again. “Nope.”
“Buying you a beer,” he clarifies, smirking.
“Oh hell,” I sigh, waving him off, “I’ll owe you one, friend.”
“All right, fine. Be right back, sweetie,” he teases before jetting up the stairs.
I ignore the flutter in my heart as he leaves, enjoying the view a little too much.
“Hello.” Startled by the unexpected voice to my left, I jump before turning to see an unfamiliar man.
The man leans in closer, invading my personal space. The overpowering stench of his cologne causes my nose to scrunch as I push myself into the opposite corner of my seat.
“Um, hi.” I peek over my shoulder, hoping to magically find Brenden. But his seat is still empty, so I reluctantly turn my attention back to the unwanted visitor.
“I’m sorry to bother you.” He places his hand on my arm, and I shiver.
My instincts are telling me this dude is bad news. His dark eyes appear soulless, his smile sinister. He’s well-manicured and groomed. Clearly the type of man who takes pride in his appearance. I get the feeling he normally has no problem picking up random women. Which also means he probably doesn’t handle rejection well. A thought that terrifies me.
“I’ve been watching you all night,” he states, as if I should be flattered rather than horrified. “You’re easily the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
My stomach churns as he runs a finger over my jersey. I pull my arm away, trying to push myself as far into Brenden’s seat as possible without actually jumping into it. “Um, I’m here with someone,” I rush out, stumbling over my words.