Page 1 of Take Her from You
Chapter 1
In the past, when picturing a life of freedom, I’d never imagined it coming with a side of big, swinging dick.
Well, maybe I’d hoped so, but my goals had been a new place to live, a little job,safety,and peace of mind.
The huge, naked man in the shower of my temporary home was a bonus to my wish list of essentials. Long hair, steamy water sluicing over a muscular, golden frame, and a very hard dick in his hand—the guy was a vision.
I was here earlier than planned, and Daisy, my new boss, had jumped to show me around. Even now, she chattered from the bedroom, unaware of what I could see on my peek in the bathroom. The man I was spying on.
Abruptly, he locked his gaze on mine.
And held it. He made no effort to cover himself.
I froze.
A thrill spiked my heart rate. I needed to leave, but instead, I let my gaze take its fill. Blame shock or still being on high alert, but I was out of my comfort zone and thriving.
After everything I’d been through, this was a weird kind of gift. Spank bank material I didn’t know I needed. I’d been unloved for so long that I’d forgotten the insistent pull of lust and how it drove away everything bad.
It set aside my fear at bagging up clothes and toys and concealing them in my car. Stealing them away so we could move out piece by piece. It dislodged my worries over how my daughter would handle staying away from me while I got us set up someplace new.
Instead, I just let myself feel.
The god in the shower trailed his gaze down my body, lingering on my breasts. I was a bigger woman, and in the past, that had been used to make me feel bad about myself.
The man with his dick in his hand didn’t seem to have a problem with it. He smirked, gripped himself again, then pumped harder.
Goddamn it, hot guy.
Need pulsed. If he could use me for inspiration, then I was going to use this image of him in exchange.
“Mia? Did you hear me? I was saying the noise of the hangar stops by mid-evening.” Daisy said, closer now.
I jumped and slammed closed the shower room door.
Then I turned to face her where she stood in the doorway to the women’s dorm.
“The occasional helicopter goes in and out overnight,” she continued, “but the mechanics shut up shop, so you don’t get the clanking of tool noises unless there’s some emergency maintenance.”
I couldn’t summon a response, temporarily stunned by the memory of the red-hot male.
The pretty brunette cocked her head at me. “Everything okay?”
“A man’s showering in there,” I confessed in a rush. If she opened the door herself, things were going to get awkward fast.
Her eyes rounded. “No! God. What did he look like?”
A god sent to walk the earth.
“Really tall. Long, black hair.”
She pulled an amused face. “That’s Valentine, one of the bodyguards and your new roommate. Oops, should’ve locked the door there, Val. But it’s also my bad. I told him you’d be here this evening. Did he see you?”
No way was I sharing the tiny, heated exchange I’d had with the man. “I think I got away with it.”
She fake-mopped her brow. “Phew. That could’ve been a situation, considering you’ll be living together. When he’s done, I’ll introduce you. It’s just the two of you staying here this week, unless someone else needs a roof over their head, but I checked with the flight school, and they aren’t expecting any students. The other team that uses the bunkhouse is the mountain rescue crew, but that’s unpredictable, of course, and most live locally, so unless there’s a major incident, it should be quiet. I know it isn’t much, but I hope it’s okay for a little while.”