Page 11 of Take Her from You
Curled up on a sofa and lit by a lamp and the flickering fire, Mia talked on a video call, her face shiny like she’d just taken a hot shower.
Awesome. Exactly the person I wanted to see.
“You did? Can I see it?” she uttered, replying to a sweet voice that had to be her baby girl.
Mia’s gaze lifted to me, and I gave a small wave and pointed to the bathroom. I meant to indicate I was going to wash up, and only that, but pink spots appeared on her cheeks.
A hit of lust slammed into me.
Maybe I could blame the adrenaline from the hard work, or the fact that my muscles were well used, but her tell drove hunger through me.
She was a pretty lass. One hundred percent my type, down to a T.
Purposefully, I drifted my gaze over her body, testing her out. Though her focus was on her screen, the pink darkened to a full-on blush, and I gave myself a mental slap for messing with her while she was talking to a child.
I grabbed some clothes and took my shower, sporting a semi with her name on it. This time, though, I left myself alone.
When I emerged, she was off the call and paging through something on her phone, her composure regained.
“Everything okay with your bairn?” I asked. “No long drive down the country to see her tonight?”
Her gaze leapt to me. “How do you know she’s down country?”
“A guess.”
Her shoulders went down. “Sorry, I’m a little jumpy. Tobi’s good. She had a happier day, and Molly, my friend who she’s staying with, thinks she’ll be okay without me this evening, which is a relief because I’m starting early again tomorrow.”
I dropped onto the second sofa, spreading out my arms. “Sweet. Listen, since you’re hanging around, want to get dinner? There’s a pub in the village that does decent food, and I can catch ye up on the renovation work.”
“Dinner?” Anxiety widened her eyes again.
I backtracked, considering what I said. “Just as roommates. I didn’t mean as a date. There are fuck all choices around here unless ye want toast or cereal from the rec room.”
Mia’s gaze slid to the door then back to me, her expression shifting to something more curious. “Not a date,” she stated.
“Not even a hint. I’m not the dating kind,” I promised.
“That sounds nice, but I can’t afford to eat out.”
Her sayingeat outdid something strange to my brain. Desperation surged in me. I wanted to feed her up. Get her smiling. “My treat as a welcome to the estate. And maybe as an apology for what ye had to witness yesterday. Let’s start over, aye?”
Her lips curved in amusement. “If you’re sure? I’ll reciprocate once I get paid.”
I clapped my hands to my knees and stood, stretching a hand out to help her to her feet as well. Her warm fingers met mine, and a swift pulse of electricity followed.
Mia flushed red again. “Don’t you need to dry your hair?”
“Eh. It’ll dry itself in the cold air. Let’s go.”
Muttering about how that never worked for her hair, Mia collected her coat, and we left the hangar together.
At the car park, I gestured to my ride. “Want to follow or hop in with me? Ye can even drive, if you’d prefer.”
Huddled in her thick coat, my roommate considered her choices. “You’d really let me drive?”
“If it makes ye feel safe, why not?”
“Most men wouldn’t think like that.” She blew out a frosty breath. “I’ll follow you in my car, if that’s okay.”