Page 17 of Take Her from You
Mia’s startled blue eyes shot to mine.
I choked on a laugh. “That was presumptuous of me.”
She shook her head, one hand to her chest. “No, I’m just not used to this. I’ve lived in a very non-adult world of raising a baby for the past few years.”
“You’re out of practice?”
Mia pulled a face. “I don’t think I was ever in practice.”
She slammed her car door and locked it. I did the same, and we set off to the hangar. I waved to friendly calls of my name, but my attention was locked on the woman I’d either freaked out, or turned on.
I couldn’t call it.
Which meant I had to back the fuck off and let her decide.
At the bunkhouse, Mia opened the door and entered, holding it for me. I followed her in but kept a respectful distance, stripping my jacket and tossing it into my dorm room.
“It’s not that deep,” she muttered, as if convincing herself this was no biggie, her back to me as she hung her coat on a hook.
Too. Much. Innuendo.
I pressed my lips together and rested a shoulder on the wall, not answering.
Mia slowly looked at me. At whatever she saw in my expression, some of the tension left her.
“How do you do that?”
I tilted my head. “Do what?”
“Just be so effortlessly sexy? You’re not even freaking out.”
I held my ground, though my body yelled for me to do the opposite. “Ye said yourself, it’s not that deep. Which, by the way, ye can’t say to a guy without him picturing all the ways he wants to go very, very deep.”
Her pink lips parted, and a boost of attraction heated my blood.
I forced myself to continue. “Sex should be fun. There’s no better way to relax, but I get that it’s different for men and women. So here’s my deal. I have never once shamed a woman for who she chooses to sleep with. I’ve never once kissed and told. And I’ve never, ever left a lass dissatisfied. Use me if ye want, but my balls are entirely in your court.”
Short, sharp, and factual. A hint of desperation might have edged my tone, but I couldn’t help that. I was dying for her. Perhaps because it had been a long while since I’d got off to anything other than my own hand, but I hadn’t felt like this a week ago. Or ever.
I wasn’t kidding how she was my wet dream come true. Everything about her turned me on. The furious blush on her curved cheek. Her soft voice. Her fine-as-fuck body.
In the amber light from the single lamp in the bunkhouse living room, Mia watched me.
“I’d give anything to know the thoughts in your pretty head right now,” I confessed.
“Why me?” she managed.
I prowled a step closer, drawing my gaze up and down her in a slow, provocative manner. “If I list all the ways, we’ll be here all night. Top three. You’re fucking gorgeous. Sweet as hell. And if I don’t get my hands on those tits, I’m going to explode.”
She shivered, her fingers going to her throat, then drawing down to just above her cleavage. “I haven’t had sex in a long time.”
“But ye want it now?”
Her single, fast nod drove all my blood south.
“Then you’re in need of an orgasm or three. Sit down.”
Flushing even redder, Mia perched on the sofa. I strode to the bunkhouse’s door and locked it.