Page 21 of Take Her from You
At last, I unlocked the door, revealing Daisy and Ben on the other side.
My brother scowled. “What took ye so long?”
“I was mid-rep. Where’s the fire?”
The room smelled of sex. Hard to avoid that, but damn.
I stepped outside.
“Daisy needs to see Mia,” Ben said, “but I have a new assignment for ye starting in the morning. Can we talk?”
I gestured to the office block. He pursed his lips but turned and marched away.
“Mia was in the bathroom, I think,” I told Daisy.
“Uh-huh.” My brother’s girlfriend peered at me with a quizzical frown but went into the bunkhouse and shut me out.
I trod after Ben, leaving the dumbbell behind.
In the bodyguard office, he waited behind his desk. “Jackson, Raphael, and I are escorting Leo down to London for a couple of days starting tomorrow. Viola and the kids are staying here, but she could use some help with Finn.”
Finn was our client’s six-year-old.
I wrinkled my nose. “What kind of help? And why am I not going on this trip?”
“It’s only meetings with his record company so doesn’t need a full crew. Raphael isn’t strictly necessary, but the training for him to fly us into the city space and land at a busy heliport is well needed. Plus ye have two reasons to stay here—the work you’re doing on the cottages is one—you have the expertise to work on the electrics which is the next big job.”
“What’s the second reason?” I grouched.
“Getting to know Finn. Soon enough, when we’re out in the field, we’ll be in charge of the lad, and he needs to trust and know each of us. Viola has her hands full with baby Torran, and that’ll be the way on tour. One of us will be assigned to Finn at all times.”
It made sense, but I didn’t like the feeling of being left behind while my team went off on a trip.
“What do I do with a kid?”
“Take him to and from school. Hang out with him for a couple of hours after. Jackson and Raphael will get this assignment, too. You’re just the first. Is this going to be a problem?”
Ben was reading my body language—my crossed arms and the scowl that sank my forehead into lines—but it was the interrupted time with Mia that pissed me off.
I stood, tense as hell and needing air. “It’s all good. I’ve got no problem with the job.”
“Then what’s with the sour face?”
In the doorframe, I paused. “Sexual frustration.”
Then I left my boss to chew on that while I took myself off for a much-needed run.
Chapter 7
“Are there boys at the school?” Tobi eyed me across the café table, her half-eaten dinner abandoned and going cold.
I’d finished work and drove like the devil to pick her up. Thankfully, the gods of traffic and road closures had been on my side, as Molly, my friend, was having an early dinner at her in-laws this afternoon so I couldn’t have been late.
My daughter had leapt into my arms, holding me tight and not releasing my hand all the way here. She had a sweet and easy-going personality, but I couldn’t rely on that to keep her content without me for long.
“Of course there will be. It’s a small village school with a preschool class in the same building. It’s so pretty there. We can go for walks every day when I pick you up.”