Page 28 of Take Her from You
“Human Resources, inadvertently. While on maternity leave, I had regular contact with my old office, though they knew nothing about who’d fathered my child, and it was a mass email that informed me of the manager’s funeral arrangements. I was so shocked, and sad for Tobi.”
“Did ye go? Is that how ye met the evil stepmother? Please tell me ye dressed in black lace and made a scene.”
Another laugh bubbled up. “I wish I had just so I could tell you, but no. I took Tobi in a carry sling and went solely for the purpose of meeting whoever was managing his finances. I had no income, and my mother was sick…”
I trailed off, not meaning to have said anything about Mom.
Valentine waited, his grin falling. “Sorry to hear about your ma. I’m guessing ye lost her, too?”
“Yeah, but can we not go there? It’s been such a day, I’ll probably burst into tears.” My voice wobbled. I patted my cheeks with the backs of my hands, cooling them.
Valentine reached into a bag and collected a beer bottle. Popped the cap with practised ease and handed it to me. “Right. Back to the dramatic funeral scene with the evil stepmother. Go.”
I took a swig, pressed the cool glass to my face, then got myself under control. “I strode out into the middle of the funeral and held up my daughter Lion King-style, hollering to the mourners that she was their new ruler.”
“Ye did not.”
“No,” I said with a grin. “I slipped in at the back of the church pews then waited until the end of the service. It was obvious who the lead mourners were, but I assumed the woman in black was his sister. She went deathly pale when I walked up and introduced us.”
“Did she get nasty?”
I held the scene in my head, no small detail missing even after nearly four years. “She’s a calculating woman. I didn’t know that at first. After her very visible surprise, she welcomed me and Tobi in with open arms. We even moved into an annexe on their house for practical reasons, and she insisted on calling us family.”
Valentine held his steady gaze on me, clearly ticking over my story. “Not many women would be so accepting of the lass their man had cheated with.”
“I know.”
“Or the new bairn whose existence meant their children had an inheritance to split three ways instead of two.”
That was less of an issue, so I shrugged, taking another swallow of the drink. “The house was hers, and the company wasn’t doing all that well. I don’t think there’s much to inherit.”
His intent stare continued, and I cocked my head at him.
“Most people who’ve heard this story, which is few, judge me for it.”
“Because I got pregnant by a married man.”
“Ye didn’t know. He’s the bad guy.”
Valentine unfurled his limbs and sat rigid on the couch edge, his gaze laser-focused on me. His attitude had changed entirely. Gone was the jokey, sexy roommate, and in his place was a different kind of man. The bodyguard. Sharp intelligence in his eyes and his attention honed.
I leaned in, fascinated with the switch.
He steepled his fingers. “So the evil stepmother convinced ye she was a kindly witch while being shady. Ye told me the people you’re trying to avoid were controlling. The sons, too?”
I shivered, still riding adrenaline from that car park glimpse. “That’s who we nearly ran into last night. The older one.”
“Did he see ye?”
“Sure of that?”
“About ninety-five percent certain.” But that five percent still haunted me.
“Where’s Tobi now? Back with the same friend she’s been staying with, I’m guessing.”