Page 85 of Take Her from You
I waved them off, reading the first of the messages.
Daisy: Sorry if this wakes you. I heard from Ben that Valentine got hurt last night. He’s in hospital.
My heart stopped. I gaped, jumping to the next text.
Daisy: He’s in surgery now. I’ll text back when I hear more.
No further message had arrived. With shaking fingers, I dialled her.
“I had my notifications off. I didn’t feel like I had the right to worry as much as I was,” I babbled.
“He’s in recovery,” Daisy answered.
I sank to the couch. Took a shuddering breath, fear swallowing me. “God. Was he badly hurt?”
“I think so.” Her voice was thick with concern.
“Tell me everything that happened.”
Daisy recounted how the bodyguard team had led Leo and his family to safety but encountered a gang on the way. One of the members then stabbed Valentine in the thigh, slicing into an artery.
“He lost a lot of blood, but they savedhim,” she finished. “Ben’s going to call me when Valentine’s awake. Ben had to leave the hospital because he needs to be with Leo when he goes to tackle his record company, then there’s a gig this evening. Ben will see his brother once they’re clear of that. Apparently Raphael got permission to land a helicopter at the hospital so they can come and go easily.”
My fingers shook. “Can you please keep me posted if you hear anything more?”
She agreed.
For the rest of the day, I startled at every message.
Finally, by mid-evening, Daisy heard from Ben and called to fill me in.
“Valentine rang Ben himself. He’s furious at being stuck in a hospital bed and hating the painkillers he’s on. He argued with the Spanish police when they came to interview him, passing out mid-sentence. He only cheered up when Finn demanded Gordain take him to see him instead of going to the gig. He’s still there now getting fussed over by the nurses.”
I gave a choked laugh. “Valentine or Finn?”
“Both, I imagine. Ella flew out earlier to join them all. She was so scared all night. Leo wanted to cancel the dates, but he’s been persuaded otherwise, and they’re revising all the plans so they have their own hotel booked by Gordain and with only Leo flying in and out of the venue, the family staying behind. It has to go on, just without Valentine.”
No wonder he was grouchy. “Will he come home?”
“I think so.” She hesitated. “He might need a friend if he does. I don’t know how he’s going to handle leaving the crew.”
I didn’t know either. Valentine struck me as a loyal team player through and through.
The following afternoon, Daisy sent the update I was waiting for.
Daisy: Raphael’s flying him home. I’m not sure when.
Mia: Tell me when you find out?
An hour passed. Then another.
Daisy: Apparently he’s here! I had no idea. Raphael took him to Braithar. I tried calling him, but no answer. I’m going to go check on him, unless…
Mia: I’ll go. On my way now.
In a minute, I was finishing up work and flying out the door. Speeding, I drove to the castle through the dark afternoon. There was no answer at the huge front door, so I walked to the back. There was also no reply at the exit door, but it opened under my hand. My pulse skipped along.
“Hello?” I called. At the tiny apartment he’d been sleeping in, I tried the handle. “It’s just Mia. Sorry if you’re naked.”