Page 88 of Take Her from You
“You’d better. And Mia? Thank ye.”
I didn’t need to tell him I’d do that and so much more.
Chapter 23
Pain meds fucked with my sense of time. The shite I’d been prescribed by the hospital knocked me out almost from the minute Mia and Tobi left until Mia’s return the next morning. I had six missed calls and dozens of group chat messages from my boys, but I ignored them all in favour of my favourite lass.
She breezed into the room, opened a window, then leaned over my bed to take my temperature.
“You’d be hot as fuck in a nurse’s outfit.”
Mia pursed her lips in amusement, bending to collect another covered Tupperware bowl from a bag. She found my tray from where I’d set it down by the bed and placed it beside me, uncovering a creamy-looking porridge from the tub, complete with a spoon and a flask of something.
Forcing myself, I took a mouthful of the food.
“I’ll see if I can get myself one. How did you sleep?”
“No idea. I was unconscious.”
She gave a laugh. “And now? Any pain?”
So long as I didn’t move. “Nope. I could use a wash, though, once I’ve eaten.”
She narrowed her eyes. “For real or because you want a bed bath?”
“Both?” I relented with a sigh. Breakfast smelled good, but my stomach roiled at the thought of food. “They rinsed the blood off me in hospital, but I haven’t had a proper shower in days. I probably stink.”
A quick glance at my groin area told me Mia was picturing my injury, much as I wished it was for other reasons.
“You don’t smell. I’m not sure you should get your wound wet. Maybe we’ll ask Heather the nurse when she comes by later.”
“She’s coming back?”
Mia’s scrutiny of me intensified. “Daily. Don’t you remember her saying?”
I shrugged.
“Okay, then how are you feeling? You didn’t answer the question about pain.”
“Not complaining,” I muttered.
Having Mia here was awesome. Having her worry about me didn’t feel so great. She had a day of work ahead of her and a bairn to care for. I really wanted her to see me as the fit and healthy version of myself. Not a man who hadn’t moved from his pit in a day, apart from to hobble to the bathroom.
I was no one’s burden. I didn’t want her to see me that way.
She sighed. “I’ll try to finish early so I can be here when Heather comes, but I need to go to work now. Will you be okay until then?”
“Seriously, don’t stress about me,” I replied.
“I can’t help that and I’m not even going to try.” She gave me one last glance and backed out of the door.
“I appreciate ye,” I called after her.
Then I stared down my food. The bite I’d taken in front of Mia had been driven by sheer hunger, but the moment I tried to swallow, my stomach rebelled. For fuck’s sake.
Like last night, I couldn’t eat a thing.