Page 12 of Can't Wait
Caleb wanted to ignore the implied order. Technically, he still worked for Jack, even if he’d given his notice. This was a family thing. So why did Jack invite him along? Close as brothers, yeah, he felt like part of the family. Jack and Summer and the rest of them always made him feel a part of it.
What better way to say good-bye than one last ride, in the snow, picking out a Christmas tree. He’d add the memory to all the others and pull it out when he missed her most.
“I promised her. She’s been down this last week. When you leave, it will just be me and her and maybe Sam at Christmas. She doesn’t want us to forget or forgo all the things we did as a family growing up just because the whole family isn’t together.” Jack glanced at Summer again. “Come with us.”
Did Jack finally see what he and Summer shared?
SUMMER HOISTED HERSELFinto the saddle and walked Speckles around the yard in a circle, waiting for Jack to come out. When he did, with Caleb saddled on another sorrel, she hid her smile of surprise.
“Ready to go?” Jack asked, saddling up and riding toward her, the sled dragging behind his horse to pull the tree back.
“Yeah.” This time she smiled. At Jack. “Thanks for doing this with me.”
“I just want you to be happy, sis. You will bake Mom’s chocolate chip almond cookies, right? You promised.”
“It’s tradition,” she said, smiling and feeling lighter.
Caleb rode up beside her. Speckles took interest in his horse and scooted closer. Summer’s leg brushed against Caleb’s and sparks flew, their eyes met, and heat flashed in his eyes.
“Nice hat,” she teased.
“I love it,” he said, his voice deep and earnest.
“I’m glad you’re coming with us.”
“Me, too.”
Jack led them through the pastures to the old fire road that wound up into the hills. No one spoke, everyone taking in the beautiful, sunny, crisp day and the blanket of fresh snow covering the ground. The nude trees stood like sticks reaching up to the blue sky, making it easy to spot the evergreens as they searched for the perfect Christmas tree.
Caleb stayed beside her as the horses took them deeper into the forest. The quiet wrapped around them, creating an intimacy they’d never shared on the ranch. She loved it out here, and having Caleb with her in this place she loved made it all the more special.
They lost sight of Jack around a corner and Caleb pulled his horse close to hers again. Their legs rubbed together and another blaze of awareness and heat rushed through her. His hand covered hers on her thigh.
“You forgot your gloves.”
“I got distracted back at the barn.”
“Too busy giving me gifts and staring at me.”
She smiled, shy and embarrassed about being caught. She turned to the trees, avoiding his steady gaze.
He squeezed her hand, brought it to his mouth, and breathed on her frozen fingers. His warmth seeped into her.
“I like looking at you, too. You’re so beautiful.”
She sucked in a breath and turned to face him.
“Why do you always braid your hair?”
“It gets in the way,” she answered with the lame excuse for not taking the time to do her hair every day.
“I like it when it’s down.” He reached into his inner coat pocket and pulled out his olive drab ski cap and handed it over to her. “Here, put this on.”
She took it and went still when his fingers brushed against her earlobe, sending a shiver through her.
“Your ears are pink, sweetheart.”