Page 36 of Can't Wait
“Mrs. Bowden, shall we?” He held out his arm for her to take. They faced the crowd of well-wishers, who clapped and cheered.
“May I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Bowden,” the preacher announced, which only made everyone cheer more. The guests took the white satin bags Summer had left at all the seats and tossed white rose petals as the couple made their way to the back of the chapel. Caleb pulled on his overcoat and helped her with hers.
He escorted her out to the waiting sleigh and horses. She tugged on his hand and he stopped and stared down at her. “Caleb, it’s perfect.”
“Like my bride.”
Their family and friends gathered on the steps to watch them leave.
“Kiss her again,” his mother called.
He obliged, leaning down to give her a soft kiss that conveyed all his love and promised everything.
They settled in the sleigh. Jack stood among the others, tossing flower petals this time instead of snowballs. Caleb touched a finger to his hat and pointed to his best friend in a show of thanks for introducing him to the love of his life.
“Ready, Mrs. Bowden?”
“For the rest of my life with you?” She snuggled close, and he took the reins. “I can’t wait.”
Get ready for the first installment in an exciting new series from Jennifer Ryan,New York TimesandUSA Todaybestselling author of the McBrides and Hunted series.
After years on the rodeo circuit, Gabe Bowden wants nothing more than land of his own and a woman who will claim his heart for more than one night. When he has the chance to buy the enormous Wolf Ranch spread, he snaps up the incredible deal. Everything is set—until Gabe rescues a woman on the deserted, snowy road leading to the property, and the half-frozen beauty changes everything.
Ella Wolf rushes to her family’s abandoned Montana ranch after her twin sister is murdered. She knows she’s next ... unless she can uncover a secret hidden somewhere at Wolf Ranch. The last thing Ella expects is to be rescued by a rugged rancher with his own agenda. A man who almost makes her forget how dangerous love can be...
As an unlikely partnership sparks something so much more, and a killer closes in, can Ella and Gabe learn to trust one another before it’s too late?
Coming February 2015
New York City
THREE LONG DAYSwithout a word. No call. Not even a text. Ella stared at her phone, willing it to ring. She tapped her finger on the screen and stifled the urge to call Lela for the hundredth time that morning.
The coffee shop buzzed with activity. People headed off to work with their lattes and scones. She sipped at her caramel macchiato, reading over the newest projections on her laptop for the cosmetics line debuting in March. The numbers looked promising.
Ella jumped when her phone vibrated on the table. She snatched it up and read the caller ID.
“Finally.” She swiped the screen to accept the call. “Lela—”
“Where have you been?” Uncle Phillip’s demand surprised her.
Why did Uncle Phillip have Lela’s phone?
Ella opened her mouth to answer her uncle’s question, but he spoke first.
“I oversee the estate. You answer to me.”
“Twisting the truth again, Uncle. Ella and I sign off on everything,” Lela said, her tone unusually sharp. “You’re just a watchdog, there to ensure we adhere to the terms of the will. You have no real power, but you’ll do anything to steal it away, won’t you?”
What?Ella had never heard her sister talk to their uncle in such a disrespectful and spiteful way, or anyone for that matter. Why did her sister call and not say anything to her? Maybe she’d pocket dialed?
“Lela, it’s me. What is going on?” Ella got no response. Uncle Phillip continued to speak over her.
“You have no idea what you’re talking about, my dear.” Uncle Phillip’s soft voice belied the steel in his words. “Don’t make me ask again. Be a good girl and tell me where you’ve been.”
This time, her sister answered, but didn’t explain a damn thing. “Uncovering your dirty secret. I know what you did,” her sister accused.