Page 19 of Hannah's Truth
“A bug out here on the steps would be useless,” he whispered back. As if to make his point, another big diesel truck rumbled by.
“Still. I think you’re in serious trouble here.”
“You called Eva to do all that to protectme?”
“Shh.” Her brows puckered in a small frown. “Get into character.” She turned around and rushed up the remaining stairs and into his apartment.
He grinned, helpless to hide it, as she made a swift retreat. It might have been the nicest thing anyone outside of Spec Ops had done for him. He came up behind her and unlocked the door, pushing it open. “What makes you think I want to gofor a drive?” he asked, just in case someone had bugged his apartment.
She gave him a relieved smile. “Because it’s a good idea. We can take our time and enjoy the rest of the day. You’ve been through an ordeal,” she finished as she walked inside.
He supposed if they were really newlyweds, he would take her only bag into the bedroom. But the bedroom filled his mind with the amazing memories of the last time they’d been near a bed. He wished he could get those memories out of his head.
It had started innocently enough, with a teasing margarita-laced kiss on the balcony of her room that turned hot and serious from one breath to the next. When the alcohol wore off and the sun came up on the carnal reality, she hadn’t quite been able to look him in the eye.
Uncertain of her sudden shyness after her bold advance, he played the safe card and agreed when she’d suggested they never do that again. His subconscious clearly wasn’t a fan of the decision since he’d dreamed of her nearly every night since.
He crossed behind the couch toward the hallway, while she peered behind picture frames and under the edges of furniture. “I’m going to take a shower first,” he said.
She glanced up and smiled, pointing at the dish of candy he kept on the hall table. “Go ahead. I’ll just unpack.” She motioned him to come closer.
Had she actually found something? Here? It made his skin crawl to think someone had managed to break in and plant listening devices. While he couldn’t fathom who on his team could have done it, this kind of intrusion had to be an inside job. His temper on a slow simmer, he stepped closer to where she leaned against the back of the couch.
“I’m so sorry about Tim,” she said, wrapping him in a sweet hug.
“He’ll be missed, that’s for sure.” He struggled to think what a husband would say and opted for what a businessman would say. He sucked at role-playing, always had. He’d always trained hard, but he preferred a real time mission with a clear target. “We’ll find the bastard who did this.”
She pinched his side and gave a shake of her head. “I saw the camera outside was damaged,” she said. “Was there anything useful before it got painted?”
The little head shake she made told him how to answer.
“Not from what I saw.” Hell, it was true enough.
“Hmm. Wallace will have his challenges.”
“Don’t we all?” He shrugged. “I need to order flowers for Jenny and Maria. They really did the hard stuff today with the customers and informing the team.” He ran his fingers up and down her spine hoping to avoid another silent scolding.
“Jenny found the body?”
“No. That was me.”
Her gaze sharpened and he knew they had to get some place where they could talk freely. “You worked through the night? I thought you agreed to get more rest.”
He wiggled his eyebrows. “There’s time for rest later.”
How did she turn that simple syllable into such a sexy sound? Her fingertip absently traced the hem of his shirt sleeve, curving around his biceps. Maybe the action helped her play the part. For him, it was just an ill-advised distraction.
“Do you think Suter and Kellerman found the notebook Maria mentioned?”
“I watched every move they made,” he replied. Her question reminded him of the audience and he wondered who she thought she was baiting with this kind of talk. He reached out and plucked a magazine off of the end table. “They didn’t bag anything in the kitchen.”
Her eyes went wide and she nodded, understanding what he was about to say.
He slapped the magazine back down onto the table. “Here it is. I found it when I was waiting for Wallace and his crew to arrive. I didn’t want to scare her.”
“Have you read it yet?”