Page 58 of Hannah's Truth
“Beg pardon?”
Hannah sighed, already mentally coaching herself to run the gauntlet as a happy bride. If she only knew what that entailed. “She told me to get you out of the store for a couple hours so they could set up for Tim’s memorial without your interference.”
“Interference? I’m the damned boss.”
“She only meant she didn’t want you to be bothered with those details.”
Bart struggled to breathe, to assess the logical way through the minefield waiting inside. He parked the truck in the only available space, the one right up front, marked ‘Reserved for the Happy Couple’.
“I guess she meant these details.”
He peered through the windshield. “Did they buy out an entire section of the party store? It’s a nightmare.”
“You can’t say that to her.”
He glanced at Hannah and thought she looked as pale as he felt. “Of course not. I’m sorry, Hannah.”
“For what? I started this and you’ll be the one left to explain it when I’m gone.”
“What’s our story?”
“We’re blissfully happy.” She waved as his staff crowded the front door. “No time for a story.”
“Christ.” He told himself to smile, but he wasn’t sure his mouth obeyed. “I’ll follow your lead.”
“No time for debate.” They reached for the door handles at the same time. “Wait there while I come around.”
“That’s silly.”
“It’ll make me look good.”
He counted it a victory when she stayed in the seat. His staff had the doors open now and he heard the cheers when he helped her out and gave her a long kiss. It was a struggle to stop and he hoped it put a glow in her cheeks to counter the black eye.
They could do this. It was just another op, he thought, without the life-threatening obstacles.
“Stay close.” He put an arm around her waist and tugged her to his side.
She didn’t argue—didn’t have much choice as the crowd parted just enough to give them a path. Sparkling confetti rained down on them as they were guided toward the diner.
He’d be cleaning that up for years to come and thinking of this moment with her every time. Then the shock had him skidding to a stop, Hannah stopping with him. If the outside had been over the top, he didn’t have words for the decorations in here.
Each table was draped with a filmy white cloth and someone had created a bunting along the counter. A punch bowl anchored one end and a buffet had been prepared. Fruit and vegetable trays were closest and savory aromas were coming from the covered dishes further down.
“Good grief,” he muttered, spotting the cake table. “They went all out.”
“That we did,” Maria said with pride. She kissed each of them on the cheek and guided them to the side of the door. “Stand right here. It will be a receiving line.”
She poked Bart in the chest. “You heard me. If you have questions, your wife can answer them.”
He looked to Hannah who winked. “We just have to say hello. And smile,” she added, reaching up to tap the furrow between his brows.
“Who are these people, Maria?”
“Friends, family. Friends of family. Relax, they all love you.”