Page 21 of Vices and Vows
I stretch, my neck cracking as I do. “I don’t follow,” I keep my voice even, but patience has never been my strong suit. If beating guards weren’t frowned upon, I would’ve knocked a few of his fucking teeth loose already.
“You have a new visitor coming to see you today.”
I frown at that. I’ve been here ten years, and the only visitors I’ve had have been the guys from my crew. “Who?”
“Some broad. I can’t remember her name. A friend of a friend of a friend called in a favor. All I know is she wants to talk to you.”
“And you don’t think after having the same visitors for a decade that this might be some kind of setup?”
He shrugs. “It’s a woman. She’ll be searched before she walks in. How much trouble can she be?”
I give him a look that has him backing away.
“Right, well, shower and eat, and I’ll come find you when it’s time.”
I climb to my feet as he hurries away, racking my brain over who it might be.
I grab my shit and head to the showers. Tio slides up next to me as we wait in line to get in. “What’s with the face?” he asks.
“Getting a visitor today. Trying to figure out who it might be.”
“You don’t know? I thought you knew everything,” he jokes as I slowly turn to look at him.
“I know how many bones I can break before a person’s body goes into shock, which organs I can destroy without killing a man right away, and how to skin a person alive.”
“Right, so what you’re saying is, you know the important stuff. Got it.”
I don’t answer, I just stroll into the showers, ignoring every motherfucker around me.
Moving into one of the empty half-stalls, I place my stuff down on the wall and strip out of my clothes before turning the water on. The cold water hits me, and I grab the soap and start lathering my body.
As I wash away the sweat and dirt, I think about my visitor. My mother is dead, and so is my sister, and I’ve been here so fucking long that I can barely remember what a female lookslike. So the question remains: who the fuck is coming, and why now?
Standing under the showerhead, my thoughts shift to my upcoming release date and pause as the water runs down over me. Is that what this is about? Either someone wants to fill me in on what to expect when I get out of here, or it’s the opposite, and someone doesn’t want me to leave at all. I should say fuck it and just stay in my cell. I’m too close to getting out to risk it all now, but I always was a curious fuck.
A muffled cry has me turning to find the newbie being pinned in the corner by a couple of thugs, their tattoos marking them as Ab brothers. One of them looks over at me, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows before returning to his prey. He knows to give me a wide berth—like the rest of his brothers—after I cut out their leader’s tongue and fed it to him.
Shutting the water off, I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist, ignoring the twitch of my cock as the newbie screams in pain. I have zero sympathy for the man. What’s happening to him now is poetic justice. He’s here because he likes to fuck unwilling, underage girls. A thick cock tearing his ass apart is just the beginning of the welcome he can expect to receive here.
The guard at the door nods to me as I pass, his eyes averted from the scene in the corner as he blatantly feigns ignorance to the brutal grunts and slapping of wet skin against skin. We might all be a bunch of degenerates, but if there is one thing that unites most of the fuckups in here, it’s that pedophiles deserve their own special brand of punishment.
I’m in the cafeteria having breakfast when Tio drops down in the chair beside me. I ignore him while I eat the gray bowl of fuck knows what masquerading as oatmeal. Out the corner of my eye, I can see he’s staring at me. Tio isn’t a bad guy, but fuck me, he likes to talk. And I can tell he’s gearing up to spit out his verbal diarrhea, so I speak first before he can start talking about his favorite subjects—his sister, mother, and pussy. And when I say pussy, I mean his actual cats. All seven of them.
Tio is somewhat of a contradiction. He’s soft as shit on the inside, loves his family—especially his mama—and never met an animal he didn’t want to keep. But he has a temper that tends to leave bodies in his wake. Eleven, to be precise, and that’s why he’ll die in here.
“I won’t be around much today. Keep an eye on my cell. I saw that prick Vargas sniffing around it yesterday.”
“He’s jealous you’re getting out in two weeks. If he can stop it from happening, he will. Probably hide something in your cell that will get time added to your sentence.”
“That’s what I figured.”
“If that doesn’t work, he’ll provoke you, try to get you to attack him. He’ll get a few easy nights in the infirmary with that pretty new nurse, and you’ll spend time in the hole.”
“Then he’s a bigger fucking idiot than I thought, because if he provokes me, I won’t be sending him to the infirmary. I’ll send him to the morgue.”
Tio chuckles as he shovels oatmeal into his mouth.
“I’ve gotta make a phone call. Once I’m gone, I’ll have one of my guys set you up with what you need.”