Page 37 of Vices and Vows
“And it’s your business how?” Nova answers before I can.
He growls at her, but instead of cowering, she rolls her eyes.
“Tell him. I trust him with my life.” I sigh.
She looks at me with a sad smile on her face. “But can you trust him with mine?”
Chapter 15
He looks at me for a second before cursing.
“Just trust me, Veck. We have a plan.”
“Yeah, a plan that only two of you know about. How do I know she isn’t going to shoot you in your sleep?”
“Because she had the opportunity to kill me, and she didn’t. Besides, it’s because of her I’m not dead.”
I shift uncomfortably, even though I know Vice didn’t tell him about my part in the shooting.
Everyone quiets after that, so I lean back and gaze out the tinted windows and watch as the world speeds by. Knowing these are my last few moments as a single woman is freaking me out more than I thought it would, especially since I never bought into the sanctity of marriage. To me, marriage has nothing to do with love and everything to do with power.
I keep my expression blank, even though nobody can see my face. I don’t want anyone to know that there is a small part of me breaking inside—that it’s come to this. I take a deep breath, feelingmy heart rate pick up. Now would not be a good time to have a panic attack.
Instead of focusing on my impending doom, I let my mind drift. I think of the younger version of me, always so eager to prove herself in a man’s world and wish I could go back and tell her to run before she felt indebted to stay. It might not be conventional what I feel now, but I’ve made bonds with people, people I care about. Even if those same bonds are thinner in some places than others. I can’t say if the roles were reversed that any of them would offer themselves up like the sacrificial lamb I’m about to, but that has to do with me being a little fucked in the head myself.
I’m not Aldo or Vice crazy, but you don’t live the life I have and stay sane. Touching evil leaves a mark, a taint that others who have the same marks recognize. I try to find a balance in the darkness of my world by giving back where I can. It never wipes the slate clean, but it gives me a lifeline to hold on to when the darkness threatens to claim me.
“We’re here.”
I jolt at Vice’s words before looking around. I’d been so lost in my head that I hadn’t realized we’d stopped.
I look at Vice for a second before blowing out a breath and nodding. “Let’s do this.” I open my door and climb out on shaky legs, closing the door behind me, the sound barely registering over the beating of my heart.
I wait until Vice walks around and joins me. Surprising the fuck out of me, he takes my hand and tugs me inside. The rest of it’s a blur of shaking hands and being introduced to the witnesses. The next thing I know, I’m staring into Vice’s eyes, saying, “I do.”
There is a fleeting look of satisfaction on his face for a second before he dips his head and brushes his lips against mine. He pullsback, leaving my lips tingling. “Wife,” he growls against my mouth, pulling me closer, the evidence of how much he likes that word pressing against my stomach.
I let out a shuddering breath and plaster a fake smile on my face before turning to face the others. Vice’s arm slides around my waist to grip my hip, hesitating for a second when he feels my gun. He guides me outside, and I let him, sucking in lungful’s of air when the warm sun hits my skin. I didn’t realize how cold I felt until this moment.
“I have to go back to work. I have to keep up appearances.”
He turns me and presses me against the car. “I am not a patient man, Nova. I will keep your secret, but you won’t deny me what’s mine.”
“What did you have in mind?” I don’t put up a fight. Giving in seems like the quickest way to get out of here.
“I want my wedding night. What time do you get off?”
“Eight,” I manage to get out.
“I’ll text you the address. Bring an overnight bag. I’ll give you the days, Nova, but the nights are mine.”
I swallow and nod. “I can’t guarantee I won't get called in to cover, but it’s rare.”
“We’ll deal with what comes at us.” He’s talking about more than tonight. I pray to God he’s right.
“I have to go.”