Page 39 of Vices and Vows
“She won’t be our problem for long. Once Aldo is in charge, he can deal with her,” he replies flippantly.
My blood boils at how blasé he is about a woman who, for all intents and purposes, is his daughter. He doesn’t give a shit. He can switch his feelings on and off at the drop of a hat. Even if he weren’t dying, I’d want nothing to do with him. He sure as hell won’t get to play father to me.
“I just wanted to inform you in case she causes any issues.”
He waves me off. “Is there anything else that needs to be dealt with?”
“No, sir. Thank you for your time.”
I move back to the door, pausing when he calls me. “I would like you to visit me next week.”
I look him over and bite my lip so I don’t snap at him. I had promised to meet him once a week, but until now, he hadn’t followed through with the request. As I look at him, I realize he doesn’t think he has much time left. Shit. If he dies early, it will fuck things up. I need to make sure I’m ready now, just in case.
“Of course.”
“I’ll call you.”
“Yes, sir.”
I leave before he asks anything else of me, running into Donnell as I head toward the main door.
“You’re leaving?”
“Sorry it’s late notice. The don is putting you on Gia duty.”
He curses before looking over his shoulder to make sure nobody heard him.
“I shouldn’t say anything, but just be careful. She’s…” I drift off, looking for the right word.
“Unraveling. You’re not the only person who’s noticed,” he says quietly.
I blow out a breath and grip his shoulder. “Make sure there are eyes on her at all times. I won’t tell you what she did a few weeks ago, but it was bad, Donnell. And if she thinks she can blame one of you for what she does, she will. And who’s going to believe us, the pawns, over the princess?”
He huffs. “Ain’t that the truth. Suggestions?”
“Wear a body cam?” I say, half joking, but I can tell he’s considering it.
“I’ve gotta go. Thanks, Donnell. For everything.” And I mean it. There are plenty of sexist guards that think I should be on my knees sucking their dick, even though we hold the same rank. In their eyes, I’m beneath them because I’m a woman, and a woman in the Mafia should know her place is on her knees or her back. Donnell is one of the few that treats me like an equal.
“Why does that sound like goodbye?” he asks me quietly, his eyes moving over my face. I smile at him before turning and walking away.
I swallow around the lump in my throat, knowing that in a couple of weeks, he’ll probably think of me as a traitor. I drive home, letting a few tears slip free.
My cell rings as I pull into the driveway. I answer it as I climb out of the car and head around the back to the pool house.
“Nova, how are you?”
I’m quiet, absorbing his words. “It’s still weird, you calling to ask how I am,” I admit to Alessio.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” I tell him before blowing out a breath. “I’m just feeling off. I finished protecting Gia today.”
“What happened? I thought you wanted to stay so you could keep your eye on stuff.”
“I’ll slip. I nearly did today. Gia tried to hit me, and I?—”
“She what?” he snarls, making me frown. I pull the phone away from my ear in surprise while he curses. “What would possess her to touch the daughter of the fuckingconsigliere?”