Page 53 of Vices and Vows
“I’m letting you know that I’ll be late visiting you, or perhaps I won’t make it at all today.”
He’s quiet for a moment. The guards have gone pale, while Aldo looks ready to slit my throat.
“Would you care to explain why?” His voice is sharp. Whether that’s because I’m lying and using him to do it or because he can sense something is very fucking wrong, I don’t know. What I do know is that if this man wants to be a dad so fucking bad, then now is the time to prove it.
“Well, Aldo wants me to get down on my knees, and then I have to go get changed because I have blood?—”
He hisses and cuts me off. “Hand the phone to Aldo now.”
I hold back my smirk and offer my phone to the seething man in front of me. “He wants to talk to you.”
I can’t hear what Vigo is saying, but if it’s at all possible, Aldo looks even more pissed.
“She misunderstood, Vigo. You know how women can be,” he answers, wincing when I hear yelling.
“Right, of course. Goodbye, sir.”
The phone goes dead as silence blankets the hallway.
“You think you’re so fucking smart, but you just made a fatal mistake.” He drops my phone to the ground before stomping on it until it breaks. “Hurry off and do his bidding.”
I go to step around him, deciding I can come back for my phone, when he wraps his hand around my throat and squeezes. It’s not like when Vice does it. This is all about Aldo’s fury and his need to hurt me. I could take him, but if I retaliate against a made man, his men will be well within their rights to shoot me.
I would have fought him if he forced me to my knees, even if that meant biting his dick off. That would be worth taking a bullet for. A bruised neck and a sore throat… not so much. Besides, he’s trying to antagonize me. He wants me to react. What he doesn’t realize is that I’m going straight from here to Vigo’s now, for real, so he can see the damage my so-called soon-to-be husband has done.
I fight the urge to struggle as my lungs burn and my vision goes hazy.
“Sir, the don—” one of his guards warns him, which pisses Aldo off. But it’s enough for him to loosen his grip and toss me to the ground.
I choke as I suck in lungful’s of air, coughing and gagging as I try to get my heart rate back under control.
“Get the fuck out of here.” He kicks me before storming off. One of his guards follows after him. The other holds out his hand to help me up. I stare at him like the piece of shit he is.
He sighs, reaches down, and lifts me to my feet before bending down, picking up my broken cell phone, and handing it to me. “That was foolish, Nova. You can’t go up against Aldo Lambardi and walk away unharmed. You have to learn when to bend.”
“You mean get on my knees.”
“This is a man’s world, Nova.”
“Fuck that. I can do anything a man does, and I can do it while bleeding.” I yank my phone from his hand and walk away, stopping when he calls my name.
“You’re on his radar now. It will be easier if you don’t fight him.”
I turn to face him and let him see my disgust. “He wants to rape me, and you’re telling me to make that easier for him?”
“That’s not?—”
I hold up my hand to stop him. “Men like you are worse than Aldo. He at least knows he’s a monster. Tell me, has he met your sister yet?” I push when he flinches. “Be sure to remind her to just give in and make it easy on herself when he comes for her. And he will, because it will give him more power over you.” His face goes a little green, but I give zero fucks.
I take the back stairs and hurry through the kitchen. The staff there are too busy to pay any attention to me. I keep my head down as I get to my car and drive straight to Vigo’s house. This might be a stupid move, but I need him to see what Aldo is capable of and that this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Plus, if Aldo has anyone watching me, they’ll know I went exactly where I said I was going. I don’t need to give the fucker any more ammunition to use against me.
I use my pass to get in, so I don’t have to make small talk with the guard at the gate, and park next to an unfamiliar BMW. Climbing out, I walk inside and head straight for Vigo’s office. I knock in case he has anyone in with him.
When his gruff voice tells me to come in, I push the door open and wait for him to look up. When he does, he does a double take before his face becomes thunderous. “Who?” he barks.
I look at him incredulously. “You know who.”