Page 80 of Vices and Vows
It takes a while for his brain to recognize me, but when he does, his eyes widen. He tries to shove me away, but he’s too weak. “What the fuck?” he rasps.
“Sorry about earlier.” I smile. The earlier I’m referring to was when I came to watch the live stream of the wedding with him. I thought his head would explode when he realized the bride wasn’t Nova but Gia. When he looked at me with horror and started yelling the place down, I’d drugged him again. Which brings us to now.
“I had to leave, but I’m back now. So, exciting day, huh? Let’s see, my father died, and I became the new don. Your daughter gotmarried, and—oh shit, that’s right, my bad. Gia isn’t your daughter. Nova is.”
“Where is she? What have you done with Nova?” he chokes out before a cough wracks his chest.
“What did I do with Nova? Funny you should ask that because I brought visual aids. Fuck, I should have brought popcorn. Never mind, let’s just settle in and watch the show.”
I hit the play button on my phone, and the TV flairs to life. There on the screen is Nova, naked and bound to our bed, as I fuck her into the mattress.
The noise that comes out of Vigo is one of such horror it makes me hard.
“Tightest pussy I ever had, man. The only thing sweeter is watching tears run down her face as I fuck her mouth.”
He whimpers, reaching for me, but I turn the volume up so Nova’s cries can be heard in stereo. The editing I did means that in the next scene, Nova is covered in blood, but without showing the body on the floor. He bellows at me, scrambling to get out of bed. I pause the television just as I’d begun pumping my cum all over Nova’s pussy.
I grab the sheet from the bottom of the bed and shove it in his face. “I fucked your little girl, and she loved it. Here’s the bloody sheet that’s covered in not just my cum but hers.”
“I’ll kill you,” he rasps out, his skin looking gray.
“You’re welcome to try. But I guarantee only one of us will be walking away from here tonight, and it won’t be you.”
“She’s m?—”
“She’s mine. She stopped being yours when you planned to give her over to a psycho like Aldo, and that’s saying something coming from me. Actually, she stopped being your daughter whenshe became Alessio’s. And she is his daughter, you know. She loves him, and he’d do anything to protect her. Even convince her to marry an asshole like me.”
His eyes widen as his mouth drops open. “No.”
I lift my hand and show him the simple platinum ring on my finger. “Oh yes. Nova is my wife. I guess it’s funny how things turn out, huh?” I lean down and whisper into his ear. “Especially when I was sent to kill her.”
I stand back up and smile widely as he grips his chest.
“You didn’t really think the Irish were responsible, did you? Those fuckers couldn’t organize a barn dance. Now, as fun as this has been, I need to get home to my wife so I can work on knocking her up. I’m set on breeding the next generation of Moretti into her.”
“Sick...” he gasps out.
“I am, yep. That was never in dispute. But unlike you, I protect what’s mine. Which for now is Nova and a shiny new empire.”
“Didn’t marry your heir, and the will stipulates that her husband inherits, not Aldo. You really should have been more specific.”
I grab the bloody sheet and hold it over his face, pressing him back into the mattress as he begins to struggle.
“Sad it had to be this way. But that’s life, right? After the shit you pulled, I doubt Nova will even shed a tear for you. But don’t worry, if she does, Alessio will be there for her. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll fuck her on your bed until all she can think about is my cock.”
He thrashes wildly, and I press harder, making sure the bloodysheet covers his nose and mouth, blocking his airways. I keep pressing down, even as the fight leaves him. I don’t let go until he stops moving altogether.
Once I’m sure he’s dead, I stand back and take in his wide eyes and pale skin. I nod, happy that Nova is free of him. There is only room for one monster in Nova’s life, and that’s me.
I disconnect my phone from the TV and bag the sheet back up before I grab my gun and walk out. I head downstairs and wander through the rooms until I find Isaac sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal, of all things. A man dressed in chef whites lies dead at his feet in a puddle of blood.
“I’m starving and didn’t know how long you’d be. You want some?”
“Lucky Charms?”