Page 25 of Sole Survivor
I nod.
“Good. Don’t leave home without it. I’m not trying to be a dick, but you have to be smarter than that.”
“I know,” I admit begrudgingly.
“Come on. Let’s get you dressed.”
I take his hand and let him lead me naked upstairs to the bedroom. He nudges me to sit on the end of the bed while he grabs my clothes and returns with them.
“I won’t be long.”
“Can I shower with you?”
“No. If you’re leaving today, then you’ll do it wearing my cum,” he answers before stalking off and leaving me in a state of shock.
I squirm in my seat all the way home, much to Valen’s amusement.
To distract myself, I ask him more about himself. “So what do you do when you’re not being tall, dark, and broody?”
He mock-scowls at me before his eyes return to the road. “I’m the owner of GhostWard Enterprises.”
“GhostWard?” I laugh. “It sounds like a video game. Oh, is that what you do, make games?”
“We have many different divisions, but unfortunately, no, that’s not one of them. We started out as a company that specialized in shadowing people.”
I frown and look at him. “You mean like following people?”
“Kind of, but digitally. The people that hire us come with a variety of reasons, from cheating to suspicions of domestic terrorism. We get in and make ourselves invisible as we follow along the target to see what they are doing.”
“Is that legal?”
He doesn’t beat around the bush when he answers. “No. But we can use it to point the client in the right direction so they can collect their own evidence. Though, if the police or FBI call us in,it’s because the evidence isn’t the issue. The suspect is a danger to others, meaning we shut them down.”
I don’t ask exactly what that means. I’m pretty sure I’m better off not knowing.
“You said that’s what you started out doing. What else does GhostWard do?”
“We hack companies and find their weaknesses, which they then pay us to fix. Cyber security is one of our biggest and most in-demand departments.”
“Makes sense. The world moves so fast that it must be hard to catch up. I have no idea how tech-savvy I am, but I can only imagine how the generations before us struggle with it.”
He shrugs before making a left turn. “Ghost was my baby. I was a teenager when I realized I was good with computers and way beyond my friends’ skill level. I set out to hack everything just to see if I could.”
“And did you?”
“Let’s just say there are some places I’ll never be welcome,” he answers evasively.
“My father owned Ward Pharmaceuticals. It was a company handed down to him from his father and grandfather. It was always expected that I would take it over. But when I refused, I was threatened, blackmailed, and even blackballed in the industry in an attempt to pressure me into taking over.”
I snort. “My memories of you might all be from the last twenty-four hours, but even I know that they would have had a better chance of turning a stripper into a nun than manipulating you into doing something you didn’t want to.”
He’s deathly quiet, so I look over at him, worried that I’ve somehow overstepped without meaning to.
“How do you see me so clearly when my own family was so blind?”
“Something tells me it’s not that they couldn’t see you; it’s that they could. You were supposed to be and do what they wanted. And if there’s one thing I’ve figured out about you, it’s that you weren’t born to fit in.”
He looks at me and grins. Fucking hell, I was right about the whole panties thing.