Page 69 of Sole Survivor
I tilt my head in thought. He’s right. I could. We’re not hiding that we’re together anymore. Maybe some time away will be good for us. But then I remember the stipulations placed on me.
“I’m allowed to leave the state, but not the country. For now Mr. Nakamura will have to make do with you.”
“Fuck I forgot. Sorry Valen. Well don’t worry about it, I’ll smooth things over. Take-off is scheduled for tomorrow, so if there is anything I need to know beforehand, text me ASAP.”
He hangs up, and my brain is already back on Rue as she bites into a cookie. Her eyes flutter closed as she lets out a moan. Shoving my cell phone in my pocket, I walk toward her. She looks up at my approach and smiles, her hand covering her mouth while she chews. I dip my head and take a bite out of her cookie, my own moan slipping free.
“Good?” she asks once she swallows.
“Only one thing better.” I smirk, taking another bite.
She flushes, taking another cookie. “I had no idea if I was a good cook or not, so I thought I’d try something simple and found this recipe.”
“Well, you did good. This is fucking delicious.”
She smiles and turns when her cell phone rings from the kitchen table. Walking over to it, I pick it up and see Nathan’s name on the screen. I feel a nerve in my jaw tick as I hand the phone to Rue.
She frowns when she looks at the screen but swipes her finger to accept the call before wedging the phone between her ear and shoulder. “Hey Nathan, is everything okay?”
She’s quiet, and though I can hear Nathan speaking, I can’t make out what he’s saying.
“Um… sure, let me talk to—” He cuts her off, making her frown, and she looks at me with a frustrated expression as he continues to talk.
I move behind her and slide her hair over her shoulder. Today, she is wearing a strapless white sundress. It’s the kind of thing I’d expect to see on her in the summer. She pulled a long camel-colored cardigan over it, which she seems to do with all her summer dresses, making them suitable for fall, too. When we did our run to the supermarket, I was fucking worried I’d end up arrested for carrying a deadly weapon with how hard my cock was.
“Alright, I’ll call you back.” She hangs up and turns, slipping her arms around my neck.
“What did the dickbag want this time?”
She rolls her eyes and pulls herself closer. “He has something to show me regarding the case, but he wouldn’t say what. We both know he wouldn’t say anything about it to me with you around. I don’t understand. This goes way beyond you being a suspect. Why does he dislike you so much?”
I slide my hands down and cup her ass, giving it a squeeze as I picture myself pouring lube between her cheeks so I can slide my cock between them.
“Earth to Valen.”
I shake my head. “Sorry, your ass distracted me.”
“Yes, it’s my ass’s fault,” she says dryly.
“At least you admit it’s an issue. I mean, a man is only so strong.”
“Focus, Valen. Why does Nathan hate you so much?”
I sigh, sliding my hands farther down her thighs and hoisting her up into my arms, her legs automatically wrapping around my waist. Pushing the cookies aside, I place her on the counter, staying between her legs when she releases her hold on me.
“We grew up in the same city and went to rival schools. I went to a private school and was on the football team. Nathan and his brother Paul were Irish twins, born eleven months apart. They went to public school. Paul was on their football team. Nathan might be a prick, but his brother was ten times worse.
“A little healthy competition never hurt anyone, of course, until it did. One prank went too far, and one of our cheerleaders got hurt. Elliot, our tight end, lost his fucking mind and beat the shit out of Paul. He got suspended and missed the last three games of the season, messing up his chances with the college scouts.
“That was the catalyst but after Beth got hurt, things went from bad to worse and the rivalry between our schools turned darker. A curfew was even imposed to keep our high schools separated.”
“Sounds like something out of a movie.”
“You’re not wrong. My beef with Paul was mostly rivalry like I said, but with Nathan it was pure jealously which grew into hate. He dated every girl I broke up with, spread rumors about me, the usual crap but with more malice than regular, petty high school shit. He said I’d gotten someone pregnant which was bullshit and implied I was taking performance enhancing drugs. He hoped they’d kick me off the team, but we were tested religiously. He was relentless and I can’t say I didn’t give as good as I got. Neither of us were choir boys, but he always had to push just a little further. And before you ask it wasn’t a rich kid, poor kid scenario. We all came from money, even Nathan’s folks.”
She frowns. “I thought they were a family of cops and lawyers.”
“Nathan and his grandfather before him were cops. His brother Paul was studying to be a lawyer at the time, and their father was a judge. The Hasks were a prominent family.They might not have been as rich as my family, but they had more than enough. But it wasn’t their money that made them powerful, it was their connections. There were rumors that the judge and the grandfather weren’t as upstanding as they were leading people to believe.”