Page 84 of Sole Survivor
I swallow hard. “Thank you.”
He looks at me and grins. “For what?”
“For making this easy.”
Chapter Thirty-Four
Ihover on the porch with my duffle bag as he turns the key in the lock and opens the door. I follow him when he walks inside and straight into the living room with my things and places my books and the throw on his sofa. I watch as he pulls his gun from its holster and places it on top of one of the bookcases.
“I’ll grab your boots tomorrow. Let me show you where you’ll be sleeping first.” He takes my bag from my shoulder and leads me upstairs, pointing to the first door we come to. “This is my room. If you need anything, just come find me. The door opposite is the main bathroom, though both bedrooms have their own.”
He keeps walking until we get to the next door. “This one is the office.” He turns to the last remaining door and opens it, motioning for me to head inside.
I step into the room, which has a queen-sized bed with blue and green checked bedding and a long pine dresser on the far wall that matches the two bedside tables.
“This will be your room for as long as you need it.” He places my bag on the bed and turns to look at me. “Want some help unpacking?”
I shrug. “Sure.” I open the bag and reach in for a handful of clothes. My cheeks flush when I realize I’ve just given him a handful of my underwear.
He smirks before heading to the dresser. “I’ll just pop these in here. What else have you got?”
I pull out the bag of jewelry. “Do you have a safe I could put these in?”
“Sure,” he says, reaching for the bag, but I tip it too soon and end up pouring the contents on the floor.
“Shit,” I curse as Nathan bends down to pick up the fallen pieces. I hold the bag open for him to drop them inside.
He stares at a pretty gold bangle he spins in his hand. “What is all this stuff?”
“Family heirlooms, I think. Stuff probably passed on to me after my mother died. None of the pieces look particularly expensive, but to me?—”
“They may be priceless,” he says, cutting me off. “Say no more.” He scoops up the remaining pieces and places them in the bag before taking it from me. “Come with me. I’ll show you where the safe is.”
“It’s okay. It’s your private safe. I don’t need to know as long as you’ll grab my things for me when I need them.”
“You sure?”
I nod, reaching into my bag for an older model phone, and hand that to him as well. He looks at it and cocks his eyebrow in question.
“It may have old voicemail messages on it from my parents. I haven’t figured out how to access it yet.”
Standing up, I tug off the gloves and shove them into the pocket of the jacket I’m still wearing. I take it off and hand it back to him.
“Thanks for letting me borrow them. I’m okay now, though. I think I just need to take a hot shower and sleep. I didn’t sleep very well last night.”
“You should probably eat something.”
“I’m not sure I could stomach anything right now, if I’m honest.”
He looks at me, studying my face, before he sighs, giving in. “Alright, rest. We’ll talk later. And remember, you know where to find me if you need me.”
“I know. Thanks, Nathan.”
He leaves and closes the door behind him.
I quickly put the rest of my things away before I head into the bathroom and lock the door. I turn the water on and strip out of my clothes, then climb into the shower. I press my head against the cool tiles as the water that’s far too hot beats down over me, turning my skin bright red. Standing, I grab the shower gel and scrub my body vigorously. The urge to get clean is too overwhelming to ignore. I’m angry with myself by the time I’m finished, and my skin is raw.