Page 92 of Sole Survivor
With shaking hands, I pull Nathan’s pants down his legs and grab his cock, taking it into my mouth and biting down on it hard enough to leave teeth marks. I fight the urge to throw up as I crawl over to the large plant in the corner and bury the condom and the now empty syringe in the soil. I ignore the tears on my face as I return to my spot next to Nathan and collapse on the floor beside him.
It isn’t until Nathan takes his last rattled breath, that I pass out with a smile on my face.
Chapter Thirty-Six
The call comes through, and I put the next part of the plan into action.
I’d flown back as soon as I saw Rue’s message about her having a migraine, leaving my name off the passenger list. Being the boss and tech-savvy has its advantages.
Once I landed, I had the pilots refuel, thankful that I’d planned ahead just in case, I use a burner phone to call Stephen, who I hire as a body double for just these occasions, and tell him to get on the plane waiting for him in Boston. I make sure my name is on the passenger log this time. With nothing else left to do, I wait.
I don’t allow any doubt to creep in. Rue has already done the hard part. I’ll be damned if I let my feelings fuck everything up now.
After getting home, I’d jumped in the shower and scrubbed myself from top to bottom, cleaning under my fingernails and redressing in clean clothes. As much as I want to rush to thehospital, I need to wait for Stephen to text me that he’s landed, or my alibi will be shot to shit. Not that I think I’ll need it this time.
Rue’s need for vengeance might have been fueled by her emotions, but she’s a cold, methodical killer who’s been playing the police like a deck of cards for years, only revealing what she wanted them to know about the murders.
And now, she’s played her final hand. It’s game over.
By the time Stephen calls, I have practically worn a hole in the floor from pacing. The second I know I can leave, I’m racing to the hospital, hoping I don’t get pulled over on the way. I find the closest parking spot, climb out of my car, and hurry inside.
A quick stop at the front desk, and I have the information I need on where to find her. I take the elevator up to the fourth floor, and when the doors slide open, I head to the nurse’s station.
“Hi, I got a call to say my fiancée was brought in.”
“Her name?”
“Rue Anderson.”
Her head snaps up, and she looks at me with sympathy clear in her eyes. “Valen Ward?”
“That’s me.”
“She’s been asking for you. Room 408 at the far end of the hall.”
“Thank you.”
I jog down the hallway to room 408 and barge into the room. Two cops stand at the end of the bed, both turning to look at me.
“Sir, you can’t be here,” the dark-haired one tells me.
“Valen,” Rue calls out before bursting into tears.
I move over to her, ignoring everyone else, and wrap my arms around her. “What the fuck happened?”
“Who are you?” the red-haired cop asks, his eyes suspicious. I think he knows exactly who I am, but he wants me to confirm it.
“Valen Ward, Rue’s fiancé.” I don’t offer them my hand. Not when I have Rue in my arms.
“Fiancé? I thought you couldn’t remember anything, Miss Anderson, at least up until today.”
“I’m sorry. What’s your name?” I snap.
The dark-haired one stands taller. “I’m Officer Poke. This is my partner, Officer Wild.”