Page 106 of Ice Cold Kiss
“Ice Springs Road.” Midas thrust back his shoulders. The door to the interrogation room remained open as he did a half-turn toward his father. “Am I going to find my mother there?”
“No. Told you. She wasn’t my first victim.” A slow smile curved his lips and lit Henry’s eyes. “Of course, the woman under that aspen tree wasn’t the first, either. In fact, no one knew she was mine. This is my first time to claim her.”
Was he truly revealing another victim?
“She looked so beautiful when I left her. A broken snow angel.”
Footsteps rushed toward the interrogation room.
Midas peered back at the open doorway just as he heard the warden bark, “You need to calm down, you need to—”
Alina shoved the warden out of her way. Tears streaked down her cheeks. Her breath heaved in and out. In and out.
“Alina,” Midas whispered. “You…you shouldn’t be here.” He can’t see you. I don’t ever want him looking at you. I don’t ever want any of my father’s evil touching you.
“You bastard,” she snarled.
Midas blinked.
Her hands slammed into him. Surprise more than anything else had Midas stepping to the side.
Alina turned her fury on his father. “Ice Springs Road.” Her breath heaved again. “That’s where my mother is buried. She’s in the cemetery on Ice Springs Road.”
A dull roar filled Midas’s ears.
No, no, this can’t be happening.
“She’s buried under an aspen tree,” Alina said. “She had—she had a broken neck. We thought she died in a skiing accident. We found her in the snow.”
“No accident,” Henry murmured. “Your mother was such a beautiful woman. You remind me of her.”
A primitive scream of pain and fury erupted from Alina. She leapt for Henry, but one of the guards caught her around the waist and hauled her back.
“You bastard! You bastard!” Alina cried.
Midas stared in growing horror at the scene. Alina, with tears streaming down her cheeks. And his father—his smug sonofabitch of a father.
Henry winked at him. “Fiery, huh? Like mother, like daughter.”
This time, Midas was the one to leap forward. His fist plowed into his father’s jaw.
His father started laughing, and Midas punched him again. His fists slammed into his father over and over.
Until the guards hauled him off Henry.
And his father was still laughing.
Chapter Nineteen
Two weeks later…
He watched as the limo left the Bellamy estate. Alina would be in the back, as she’d been each day since she’d returned to Colorado Springs. He waited a moment for the limo to go ahead, and then he pulled his motorcycle onto the road. He didn’t get too close. Not like he wanted to be spotted. A careful distance was all he needed. The driver hadn’t noticed him before, so it was doubtful the man would spot him this morning.
Not even four a.m. But that was Alina’s schedule. She liked to be at the rink long before anyone else arrived.
There was hardly any other traffic on the road. A light rain had fallen during the night, and the pavement was slick. His hands gripped the handlebars easily as he navigated through the darkness.
The driver turned at the rink. Went straight to the entrance. He braked there, and the man exited the vehicle. Milo Shaw, Ryker’s personal driver. Driver and bodyguard. The man had been special forces, once upon a time. Retired now, but still in fit condition. He would provide Alina with some protection.