Page 19 of Ice Cold Kiss
That muscle flexed along his jaw again. “You think I’m overprotective.”
That was one word that could be used to describe him.
“I’ve seen bad things in my life, Alina. I just don’t want to take chances.”
Her hands tightened on the strap of her purse.
“Not with someone as important as you.”
All of the moisture seemed to dry from her mouth.
He inclined his head. “Good night, Alina. Lock the door behind me.”
No, she’d just leave it unlocked for fun. He opened the door, and the man crossed the threshold. “That’s it?” Alina’s voice rose.
He froze.
“You tell me I’m important, you insist on searching my house, and you’re walking away without even kissing me good night?”
Very slowly, he turned to face her. “I don’t think a kiss is a good idea.”
Her temper began to stir. “What is it with you? I just can’t understand you. One minute, I think you like me. The next, you keep backing away.”
“I’m trying to keep up the gentleman act with you, Alina. Kissing you would blow that act to hell and back. Let me be the good guy for you. At least for a while.”
Not like she was going to beg the man for a kiss. She’d already been forward enough.
“Dammit. Don’t look at me that way.” His brow furrowed.
What way?
“Don’t be hurt. I’m trying to do the right thing here.” He inched closer. “I’m trying to—fuck it.”
“Hell and back,” he breathed. “Hope we’re both ready for this.”
His hands went to her waist. She didn’t get a chance to say another word because he lifted her up—and his mouth plunged down to claim hers.
Henry Monroe sat in his prison cell and peered out at the sliver of the moon. Such a small window. A real annoyance. He wanted a bigger window. A bigger cell. Better food.
No, what he really wanted was to be free. To be on the outside again.
God, he missed the thrill of the hunt. The sweet scent of his prey.
He looked down at his hands. Big hands. Hands that had so easily captured the women he wanted. Hands that had curled around their necks.
Snapped them.
His son was still refusing to see him. His golden boy. That would be changing. Midas couldn’t ignore him forever.
Not now.
Now when a new game was at play.