Page 26 of Ice Cold Kiss
Tangled sheets.
Broken lamp on the floor. And what looked like—was that part of a torn shirt? A piece of silk fluttered on the floor. Like a pajama top. Bright blue.
Fury and fear barreled through him, but he didn’t hesitate. He’d gone through the front door. Whoever had taken Alina—She was taken. She’s gone—the abductors must have gone out the back. He raced out the back. Had his light shining on the ground so he could try and figure out where the hell she’d gone. He snaked through the yard. Behind the trees. Heard the growl of a motor as he shoved through the shrubs and came out on another street—
There were no lights to warn him of the vehicle. Just the growl of the angry engine. He turned and saw the vehicle lunge out of the dark. It rushed straight toward him.
In that instant, Midas knew there were two options.
Option one—get the hell out of the way.
Or option two—
Option two, fuck me, but this will hurt.
He bunched his muscles and got ready for impact.
Chapter Four
The car hit him. Or maybe he hit the car. Really damn hard to say because all Midas knew was that his body was suddenly screaming in pain, and he was on the freaking hood of a black SUV. His hands spread wide as he tried to hold the hell on. He looked up and strained to see into the interior of the ride.
The driver yanked the steering wheel to the left, and Midas nearly flew off. With all of his strength, Midas heaved up to a more secure spot on the hood. Like there is a secure spot on a moving vehicle! He caught the upper edge of the hood—the part right next to the bottom of the windshield wipers. His fingers curled around that edge. The edge gave him a perch to hold. Locking his teeth, he kept that grip.
The car swerved to the right. A jerking, vicious swerve. One of his hands flew loose, his whole body almost propelled into the darkness, but he steadied himself. Mostly. His hand went into his coat pocket. He tried to grab for the—
Another swerve. Harder. The damn car was twisting back and forth like a snake.
Both of his hands clamped around the hood’s upper edge again. He didn’t see Alina, but she had to be in the car. “Mistake!” Midas roared at the driver. “You made the worst fucking mistake of your life!”
“He’s crazy,” the man beside Alina whispered. They were in the back seat. Her ankles were bound with zip ties that bit into her skin. Her wrists still twisted and secured behind her. And the thick scarf cut into the sides of her mouth as it pulled against her lips. “That bastard is crazy!”
She strained to see through the space between the two front seats. Everything was so dark—in and out of the car. She couldn’t make out anything.
“Told you he was trouble the minute I saw him sniffing around her,” the guy added as he leaned forward. “Fucker is on the car! Get him off!”
On the car? She craned her head again. Narrowed her eyes and saw—wait, someone was on the hood? Someone coming to help her?
The car swerved left. Right. She slammed into the jerk next to her.
He shoved her away. “Your stalker boyfriend is dead! Dead, got me?”
Stalker boyfriend? But—
The abductor next to her yanked a seatbelt over her squirming body. Clicked it into place. Then pulled on his own seatbelt.
“Slam on the brakes!” he ordered the driver. “Throw that big bastard off the car!”
And she knew—she knew he meant Midas. Big bastard? Stalker boyfriend? Had to be Midas. Her abductors must have seen her with Midas, and they thought he was her boyfriend. And now they think they are going to kill him. “No!” Alina tried to scream but couldn’t. She could only grunt behind the heavy scarf.
The driver slammed on the brakes. A loud screech filled the air.
Silence. Silence except for the heavy, panting breaths that came from the man beside her and from the driver.
“That took care of the SOB,” the driver said, sounding pleased.
She stretched her neck to see in front of them. Midas. Midas!