Page 29 of Ice Cold Kiss
She levered up to look back at the vehicle. Big, black.
Snow covered the ground. We went up a lot higher than I realized. And farther from Colorado Springs. Because it hadn’t been snowing at her house. No snow at all for days.
But snow crunched beneath the boots of the man who carried her. Black boots. Jeans.
They were going up old, wooden steps. Her body began to shiver. Not from the cold. Mostly just from the absolute, stark terror that filled her. She squirmed and tried to see where they were taking her.
Then the lights flipped on.
A cabin. She was inside a small cabin. Two overstuffed chairs. A table. A little kitchen.
“Lock her in the closet.”
Wait—what? Now she squirmed hard—so hard that the guy’s hold slackened on her. Alina thought she was going to break free.
But he just tossed her into a closet. She landed on her ass, and one of her bound hands rammed into the wall behind her. She tried to scramble to her feet.
He slammed the door shut on her. Once more, she was plunged back into darkness. No, no. She turned around and backed toward the door. Her hand flew out and curled around the knob. She tried to twist and open the door.
Tears leaked down her cheeks. She maneuvered sideways—taking mincing steps because her ankles were still bound together—and rammed her shoulder into the door. Once. Twice. Three times. They couldn’t do this. Not trap her in some tiny closet that was like a coffin.
A coffin. I’m going to die here. No one knows where I am. No one knows—
The door flew open. “Do you want me to hurt you?”
Light. So much light. She blinked quickly and saw the knife in his hand.
“You’re a pretty woman, and it would be such a shame…” The knife lifted and the tip pressed lightly to her cheek. “If I had to slice your face open.”
She wasn’t breathing.
“No more noises from you,” he told her. The mask moved in and out with his words.
No accent in his voice. He’s tall. Not nearly as big as Midas. Maybe about six-foot or six-foot-one. He’s strong, but lean.
“If I have to come in this closet again, I’ll slice you. I’ll start with your right cheek.”
“You’re not supposed to hurt her,” the man behind him rasped. “At least, not until we hear from the boss.”
“Yeah, well, she’s not supposed to be a pain in my ass, either.” The tip of the knife skated down her cheek. He didn’t press hard enough to cut the skin. A light warning. “Not a sound.”
She was too scared to nod.
He lifted the knife.
And slowly shut the door.
But right before it shut, she looked over his shoulder. Her gaze locked on the other man—the driver of the car. He was lifting the mask off his head as he bent to start a fire in the fireplace.
She saw thick, red hair.
The door closed.
Alina retreated until she hit the rear of the closet. Five steps. That was all the room she had. But it wasn’t completely dark. She’d been wrong before. A little light came from the bottom of the closet. There was a faint space between the bottom of the closet door and the floor. A small beam of light.