Page 39 of Ice Cold Kiss
“Fallon!” A roar this time.
And… “Help!” A faint cry.
He took off toward the cry. Cold fury seeped through his blood, turning his insides just as cold as the snow that fell on him. As he drew closer to his target, he heard the sound of thrashing.
His light fell on the figure who twisted and struggled on the ground. Fallon. With his hands zip-tied behind him and his ankles locked together.
Fallon’s head tilted up as he glared at the light.
“How the hell did this happen?” he asked the bound man.
“Her…freak of a boyfriend! He f-followed us.” The words, though…they came out all tangled together.
The man’s jaw didn’t look just right. Blood dripped from his lips. Was he missing a tooth? Looked to be the case.
“Need…hospital!” Fallon snapped. “J-jaw…”
Yes, the closer he got, the worse Fallon’s jaw appeared. “How did he follow you?’
“I will help you,” he soothed. “Just trying to figure out what went wrong. The other abductions were seamless. But not this time. This woman.” A woman who should have been the easiest pickings of them all. “You got her from her bedroom? Just like I told you?”
“We…saw him outside.”
“Outside her house?”
“Watching. Stalker.”
His shoulders tensed. Blood had just flown from Fallon’s mouth. It had almost touched him.
Fallon had managed to sit up, but not stand. He kept trying to stand, but he just fell back into the snow each time.
“You’re telling me her boyfriend was outside, watching her house, while Alina slept?”
A jerky nod.
“And that didn’t set off red flags for you? You didn’t think you needed to call me and tell me what was happening?”
“We…saw them go out on a date. Thought at first, he was staying the night. But he l-left her place…” The teeth he still had chattered. The words thickened.
Talking had to be extremely hard—no doubt painful—with that jaw.
“He came b-back. Watched…”
“And you didn’t abort.”
Blood dripped on the snow near Fallon. “You would have been…mad.”
He knelt in front of Fallon. “Alina is gone. Shayne is dead. How do you think I feel right now?” His hands lifted. Curled under Fallon’s broken jaw.
Fallon hissed in pain. “Sh-Shayne is dead? That f-freak killed—”
He leaned close and whispered in Fallon’s ear, “No, I did that.” Then he eased back and stared into Fallon’s eyes. “And I’m going to kill you, too.”
Fallon opened his mouth to scream.
Can’t have that…