Page 4 of Ice Cold Kiss
Bust his ass?
Then he stepped onto the ice, only sliding a little, and rushed toward her.
She pushed to her feet. Stood and angled her right toe down for balance. And gaped.
He was way bigger than she’d realized at first glance. A big, gorgeous bear of a man who hurtled toward her. Considering she stood at five-foot-three, most people were bigger than her, but this stranger…
Who in the world is he? Huge. Powerful. Drop-dead handsome. For a moment, she wondered if maybe she’d hit her head on the ice, and this was all some crazy hallucination. Because no way was a man this gorgeous rushing across the ice toward her.
He shouldn’t be here. No one should be here but me. And this doesn’t feel like a hallucination. It feels all too real. Her body still ached from the fall. And if everything was real…
Who is he?
Too late, she started to retreat. But he was—
“Gotcha.” His hand closed around her right wrist just as she prepared to back away. And Alina was surprised because for the first time, she felt—
Sliding up from where he touched her. Warming her skin. Her blood. A shot of electricity seemed to zip through her entire body. The shock of that heat had her mouth dropping open in surprise.
“That was one hell of a fall.” His eyes—a warm, deep amber—swept over her. “You’re standing okay, so I’m guessing nothing is broken?”
“I fall all the time,” she blurted.
His amber eyes rose to lock on her face.
“I just get back up.”
The faintest of smiles lifted his lips. “Of course, you do.”
“You have to get back up. Staying sprawled on the ice isn’t an option. You fall in a competition, you get back up, and you keep skating. You try to make up the points you lost. You never stay down.” Alina was rambling and she knew it. What she didn’t know? How to stop the rambling because she opened her mouth and said, “I fall in practice, too. You can never learn something new without falling first.”
A slow nod. “I’ll remember that.” His fingers flexed a little against her.
More heat trickled through her. “You are…oddly hot.”
He laughed.
And her face flamed. “I meant…your hand feels really warm against me.” She tried to tug free.
He didn’t let her go. He did lean down toward her. Up close, he was just…even bigger. Alina figured he had to be around six-foot-five, maybe even six-foot-six. The man swallowed her with his size.
Unease slithered through her.
“I feel warm because you are ice cold. It’s freezing out here.”
“Ice has to be cold.”
Amusement danced in his eyes. “Yes, I am aware of that fun science fact. But you don’t have to be freezing. Your body is shaking.”
Not from the cold. From that strange awareness of him. And she knew exactly what it was. Sure, she might not have a ton of experience with the opposite sex, but when a look-alike Norse god stepped into your path, a woman recognized lust when it hit her.
Instant attraction.
For a man who was way, way out of her league. “I’m not hurt. You can stop touching me.” She needed to take control of this situation, ASAP. “Look, I don’t know who you are or why you are here—”