Page 41 of Ice Cold Kiss
One who’d done a clusterfuck of a job on day one.
Chapter Seven
He hadn’t left her side.
Alina cast a quick glance at Midas. He’d stayed with her during the ambulance ride to the hospital. A ride she hadn’t needed because she was fine. Just bruised. Meanwhile, he was the one with the lacerations. The one who’d been hit by a car. The one who—according to the EMT in the ambulance—had at least two bruised ribs.
But Midas had refused treatment for his injuries. He’d directed everyone to focus on her.
And he’d stayed by her side. Big, tough, protective.
Would she ever forget opening her eyes and seeing him fill that closet doorway? Never in a million years.
“Alina!” Her father burst into her hospital exam room. He ran to the bed. She’d been sitting on the edge, dressed in a paper gown, and swinging her sock-clad feet nervously. He threw his arms around her and held on tightly.
Over her father’s shoulder, she saw Midas narrow his eyes.
“Thank God,” her father muttered as his hold tightened even more. “Thank God.”
A nurse bustled in behind him. At the sound of footsteps, her father let Alina go and spun to face the nurse. “We need time alone!” An order.
Did her father get that he wasn’t the one who was supposed to give orders in hospitals?
The nurse blinked at him. “I have a patient who needs my attention.” Cool. “You can have your time after I’ve checked on her.”
Her father immediately looked back at Alina. His hand rose and his fingers skimmed her jaw. “He could have broken it.”
Could have. Hadn’t. “It’s just a little sore.” So was the front of her head—where she’d been slammed into her front door. The doctor who’d examined her had said that she had a concussion. She was supposed to have someone watch her for the next twenty-four hours.
Midas had immediately volunteered for the job.
Like he probably didn’t have a concussion? He’d been hit by a car. “Dad, you have to get Midas examined.” Enough of his tough macho act. Hit by a car.
The nurse bustled closer. She raked a considering glance over Midas.
He remained standing near the exam table, with his arms crossed over his powerful chest.
The nurse began checking Alina’s vitals. How many times were they going to do that process? This was the third time. Fourth? “I’m fine,” she assured the nurse. “But Midas needs help. The cut over his eye might need stitches. His ribs could be broken.” That was her fear. That they were broken, not bruised.
“Just bruised,” Midas dismissed with a shrug. “And the cut stopped bleeding. I don’t need treatment for a few scratches.”
Like she did?
“I’ve had far worse,” Midas assured her. “It’s not a deal.”
The nurse cleared her throat. “The police are waiting in the hallway. They have more questions for you.”
She was sure they did. Only Alina didn’t think she was going to have answers for them. She didn’t know why she’d been taken. Didn’t know who had taken her. She only knew that she was grateful to be alive.
Grateful to Midas.
“Please give me a moment with my daughter before the cops are escorted inside,” Ryker said. His voice was less demanding. More charming.
The nurse nodded and slipped out.
Her father looked at Alina, then Midas. He turned from Alina and strode to Midas. Ryker reached out and clapped a hand around Midas’s arm. “I knew you were the best.”
She blinked.