Page 65 of Ice Cold Kiss
“Yeah, me, too, sweetheart. That’s why the situation is an absolute clusterfuck.” He kissed her again. Softer. She deserved some softness.
“No,” she breathed against his lips.
His head rose.
“I mean…I haven’t done this before. So I’m not sure what we do about it. You’ll have to lead the way.”
Thud. That sound was his heart slamming into his chest. And he remembered that her father had described her as shy. Reserved.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. And Midas was just enough of a territorial asshole that the knowledge Alina had been with no one else just turned him on all the more. He hadn’t thought it was possible for his dick to get any bigger. He’d thought wrong. The damn thing jerked eagerly against her, but his hands were already tight around her waist and he lifted her up. Off him. And he put her on the seat to his right.
Then he scooted aside. A good foot.
“Midas?” Her brows rose.
He held up his hand. He was gonna need a minute or two in order to be able to actually talk. If he tried right then, he’d just growl. Not his usual growl-like words. But potentially full-on animal sounds. He felt like an animal. Hungry. Primitive. Territorial.
He would be her first. Her only.
He could take her right there. In the back of the limo. Take what he wanted so much.
But I am not an animal, and she deserves better than me.
“It’s not like you can catch virginity,” her cool voice informed him. “You don’t need to suddenly act like I’ve got the plague or something.”
His head whipped up. He’d been staring at his clenched fists—clenched so he wouldn’t grab her again—and trying to count to ten. Then to twenty. Midas shook his head.
Her eyebrows snapped together. Her cheeks also flushed. Dark. “I get that many men don’t like being with a woman who is inexperienced. And I do have some experience, FYI. I just haven’t gone all the way.”
Some experience. “Bastards.” Yep, a growl.
“I couldn’t make out what you said.” She bit her lower lip. “I haven’t had time for relationships. No, I don’t think that’s the real truth. How about this? I haven’t ever met anyone that I wanted from the first touch. But when you first touched me, I felt it all the way to my bones. You heated up parts of me that I didn’t even realize were cold.” Her nose scrunched in the cutest way. “That doesn’t sound right, does it? Not like I’m trying to say I’m frigid or anything. I just—” A hard exhale. “I just hadn’t wanted anyone that strongly until I met you. I didn’t even think that kind of instant physical attraction was real until you came along.”
She thought he was hot. Great. He thought she was freaking fire. “Definitely not frigid.” Okay, that was better. Actual words. “Love it.”
“What do you love?” A little line appeared between her brows.
“That I’ll be your first.” Only. Be her only. Nope. Not gonna say those words. He had enough sense to hold them back.
“Oh.” The blush deepened. “Then why did you move me away from you?”
“Trying not to have your first time be in the back of a limo while we’re on our way to view dead bodies.”
Her hand pressed to the seat between them. “Here? You want to have sex here?”
Anywhere. He pulled in a breath. Let it out. Pulled it in. “First times are supposed to be special.” Even he knew that. His head shook. “Why in the world would you want to waste yours on someone like me?” Then a terrible thought slapped him in the face. “No.”
She inched closer. “No—what?”
“It had sure as shit better not be because you are grateful to me. I was just doing a job.”
She flinched.
Sonofa— “That’s not what I meant.”
Her head tilted. The limo was slowing. There wasn’t much time left.
“Don’t fuck me because you’re grateful,” he rasped. “Fuck me because you can’t take another breath without wanting me.”