Page 73 of Ice Cold Kiss
He sent her a quick smile. “Your new safe house,” he repeated. “Top-of-the-line security. Way better than what your father thinks he has. Cameras are installed all along the outside perimeter. Sensors. If someone tries to get close without us knowing, well, let’s just say they will be in for a fun surprise.” He let go of her hand. “I made arrangements earlier. Had your clothes and personal items brought over from your house. It’s not safe for you to go back there, and I think you know that. Again, your dad’s idea of security and mine are two different things. The kidnappers got past the system at your house far too easily. The same will not be said of this place.” His hands went to his hips. “No intruders will get inside here.”
Her gaze darted around the immaculately decorated house. “Who owns this place?”
“An acquaintance. I made arrangements for us to stay here for a while.”
Her head craned toward him. “You really can’t protect me at my father’s estate?”
“I told you—”
“You don’t trust him,” she finished as her stomach knotted.
“He can’t hold back with me. Not when your safety is at stake. And the security is better here. It has to be. I oversaw the installation myself.” He headed toward the window that overlooked the mountains. “The action star I told you about? This was his place. He’s off filming, and when I realized you needed a good safe house, I sent some texts and arranged to use this place. A…friend brought my things—and yours—over for us.”
A friend? Had that been the guy who oozed danger? “Who was the man on the motorcycle?”
“Memphis Camden.”
The name meant nothing to her.
“He’s a former bounty hunter and current cold case solver.”
She could feel the furrow between her brow deepening. “My case isn’t exactly cold.”
“No, it’s not. In fact, it’s red-hot. We need to keep it that way. I’m not gonna let the case fade away. After a week, maybe two, your dad and you will think you’re safe. If the guy doesn’t come for you again and more time passes, you’ll start to let down your guard. Hell, I’ve rarely ever heard of a kidnapper going after a specific target twice.”
“That’s good news for me, isn’t it?” It would mean that she would be safe.
“Not if you get complacent. Not if your father sends me away and you’re on your own and the bastard is just waiting. I can’t let that happen. I can’t let you become prey again. That’s why I’m planning to hunt him. I will not leave you on your own with him just hiding in the shadows and waiting for the perfect moment to come after you again.”
She blinked. “You’re hunting him.” Alina crept closer to Midas.
“Memphis will help me. You’ve confirmed something I already suspected—there were other victims. One went home, that’s what you told me. We find her, and we might find answers.”
Her heart raced. “Answers would be great. Getting the guy who planned all of this tossed into a cell for the rest of his life? That would be even better.” But, just so they were clear. “When you find the woman who got away, I’m coming with you. I want to be there with you to talk to her.”
“Like I was planning to leave you behind.”
She was right beside him now. Only he turned away from the mountain view and focused completely on her. “Told you, Alina, where you go, I go. The same is true for me. I am not going to leave you behind. This case is about you. I think you deserve to be with me every step of the way for the investigation.”
Before she could respond, his phone rang. A loud peal of sound. He didn’t move at all. Alina wet her lips. “You going to try telling me that’s a wrong number?”
The phone pealed again. “Nah,” he said. “That’s the ring tone I assigned to your dad.”
She released a low breath. “We should answer him.”
“Fair enough.” He pulled the phone from his pocket. Swiped his finger over the screen and put the call on speaker. “Midas.”
“Where the hell did you take my daughter?”
“To a safe location,” Midas responded easily. “Don’t worry, I have my eyes on her.”
Her father thundered, “Fuck that!”
Her brows climbed. Alina started to speak, but Midas shook his head. “She’s okay,” he said.
“No, she’s not. She’s being hunted. You need to get her back here, now. You were supposed to return her in the limo, but Bradford called and said you’d taken her away.”
“Yep.” Again, an easy reply. Completely at odds with her father’s furious voice. “I wanted her someplace safe. If the kidnapper is planning to target her again, he’ll figure out real fast that you have her at your estate. And despite what you think, the security there is trash. I brought her to a better location. She’s safe here. I used the motorcycle to make sure no one followed us. This location buys me time. I can work with my team to track down the kidnapper before he finds Alina.”