Page 78 of Ice Cold Kiss
“I didn’t have on a rubber.”
Her brows climbed.
“That’s how fucking far gone I was. I was in you bare, Alina.”
“You…you didn’t come in.” Not all the way. Just the broad head of his dick had teased her. She was still technically a virgin. Wasn’t she? Was there even a technical component to the situation? “And I’m on birth control. There’s no risk that way.”
“I want in.” Hungry. Rough. “I will be…” He swallowed. “Just so you know, I’m clean. Get checked regularly, and despite what I did just then with you…” His gaze slid over her body. “I’ve been careful with other lovers. I hold my control.” He spun away. “The alarm is sounding because Memphis is here. Probably brought a partner with him.”
So his…friends were rushing to the safe house, and she was naked. She’d been coming a few moments ago. Far and away the best orgasm of her life. Far better than the ones she gave herself.
He paused in the doorway and glanced back at her. “We will finish.” A vow.
“Good to know,” she whispered.
“By the way…” The amber in his eyes gleamed. “You taste incredible.”
Then he was gone.
She was naked. He was gone. And her body kept quivering.
Alina exhaled.
What the fuck am I doing? What the fuck was I thinking? Why the hell am I still not fucking her?
Midas disabled the alarm that had been beeping—a sensor that told him company had arrived on the property. He’d known that Memphis would be showing up. And Midas sure as hell hadn’t planned to spread Alina out and make a feast of her in the middle of the day but—
But I did. And I want more. He could still feel her around the tip of his dick. Hot and wet. Sweet cream. He’d wanted to drive balls deep into her and claim her completely, but he’d been trying to take care with her.
Really? ’Cause you were bareback in her. You’ve never gone bare in a woman before. Where the hell is your sense?
He checked the monitors. Saw Memphis and his companion on the screen. Midas’s eyebrows rose as he recognized the guy with Memphis.
Fantastic. Like I need more drama.
But he hurried to the front door. Opened it and waited for Memphis to finish climbing up the steps. And, of course, he should have known that Memphis would—
“You look like shit,” Memphis told him cheerfully. “But I guess you had one hell of a night, huh?”
Midas swiped a hand over his hair. Tension still hummed in his body. Sexual frustration poured through his veins. I was so close to taking Alina. “Memphis. Still a pain in the ass, I see. Good to know some things just don’t change.”
Memphis grunted. He entered the house, and his gaze immediately went to assess every inch of the place.
Midas stood by the doorway while he waited for the second man to enter. Silent, intense, with green eyes that raked over Midas. A man he’d met on a previous case.
Lane Lawson.
Suspected serial killer.
Jail escapee.
And a man who’d been…proven innocent. With some serious effort. It had actually been Midas’s buddy FBI Special Agent Oliver Foxx who had first put Lane behind bars. And it had been Oliver—and Lane’s twin sister, Lark—who had eventually succeeded in clearing his name.
Now Lane was free, and he’d taken up a side hobby. Being a cold case solver. Not that Midas could blame the man. Midas had thought about joining the Ice Breaker crew a time or twenty, too. Once you’d been accused of committing heinous crimes, you had a tendency to want to make certain that real justice was carried out.
So, yeah, he felt a kinship with Lane. Though he hadn’t expected to see the man on his doorstep. Midas shut the door. Reset all of his alarms. “So what—you two are fulltime best friends now?” Midas asked.