Page 9 of Ice Cold Kiss
“Would you like to go out with me? Like, on a date?”
Midas blinked.
“Or is it weird because my father hired you to work here?” She retreated a quick step. “Or maybe it’s weird because you’re not interested, and I shouldn’t have said anything at all. Forget it.” She spun away. Her hair fluttered in her wake.
It took him about two seconds to break out of his stunned stupor. Then he lunged and curled his hand around her shoulder. “Wait!”
She looked back at him. Back first at his hand, then her dark gaze rose to meet his.
Fuck. There was something about her dark eyes…
“I am very interested.” Another truth. Something he hadn’t expected. Okay, fine, he’d expected some interest. Alina was a beautiful woman. Interest would be normal.
He typically dated women who were tall, stacked—with curves for days.
But Alina…small, delicate…
Those eyes…
The instant he’d touched her for the first time, a blast of lust had burned straight through him. Had not expected that kick. And the more he’d watched her, as she’d kept pushing herself over and over, never once complaining or giving up…beauty, grace, strength…
She licked her lips.
He could have a problem on his hands.
“Would you like to have dinner with me?” she asked.
Dinner, dessert—anything and everything. Nope. Not supposed to say that or think that. He was gonna be the platonic boyfriend who toed the line.
Like he’d ever toed a line in his life.
“I know this probably seems crazy, especially seeing as how we just met,” Alina continued with nerves shaking in her husky voice.
He didn’t speak. Too busy trying to figure out what the hell to say. Yes, she’d just made things way easier on him. He’d been searching for a way to move to the next level so he could stay close to her, and she—
She was offering him that way on a silver platter.
“When you touch me, I feel something,” Alina confessed softly.
Her honesty rocked straight through him.
“Heat goes through my whole body.”
No woman had ever said this—
“Physical attraction, right?” She turned to fully face him. “I’m sure a man as gorgeous as you gets hit on all the time. You probably attract and get attracted to people all the time.”
He wasn’t blushing, was he? He damn well better not be.
“But this doesn’t happen with me.” A wince. “Not that I exactly get out a lot.” She waved a hand to indicate the rink. “Not like there are a ton of people you can meet here. And…I’m rambling. I do that. Probably because I don’t have very good people skills.”
“Your skills…” He sounded too growly. A side-effect of having a deep, rumbling voice. But he tried to clear his throat and speak a little softer, for her. “Your people skills seem just fine to me.”
Her smile beamed at him.
His chest ached.