Page 15 of Locked In Ice
“You go through that door, make sure the bastard doesn’t try to leave with her, and I’ll circle the building.We’ll close him in.”He surged for the main door.
But, once more, Derek’s hand hit his chest.“We get the evidence first.Got to bag it.”
“Fine, you get the fucking evidence.I’m getting her.She’s my—”Dammit.“She’s my partner, and I have to watch her back.Now move the hand or I break it.”
Chapter Four
“I…don’t feel so good.”Her voice slurred.Cold air hit her as they exited the club.Her eyes fluttered and her head bobbed up and down.“Why is everything…spinning?”
“You had too much to drink,” Royce told her.“Don’t worry.I said that I’d take care of you, and I will.”
She tripped.Almost slammed into the ground, but his strong hold around her waist held her up.“I…only had half a drink.”She faked the slurring of her words.Just as she faked her tripping.
“That was all it took.Half a drink.You’re a lightweight, remember?”He pulled her tighter against him.Walked toward the shadows.
Shadows wouldn’t work so well.She wanted to stay as close as possible to the bright light near the back door.That would make for better image quality when Derek filmed, and the bouncer hadbetterbe filming.She’d texted him the order right before Royce had arrived with his green drink.
Ophelia dug in her booted heels.“No…sick…stop.”She threw out a hand and touched the brick wall near her head.
“Fine.Guess this is good enough.”He shoved her back, and her head banged into the bricks because she hadn’t been expecting him to get so rough, so fast.
Really, Ophelia?You thought a guy who drugged women was gonna hold back?“Ow!”she called out, letting her voice slur even more as it rose.“Wh-what are you doing?”
“Having some fun.Like I told that ex of yours, I plan to fuck you.”His hands went down to the hem of her shirt.
She swatted at him.“You…the world is spinning…”
“Sure it is, baby girl.You’re flying high and you won’t remember a damn thing soon.”
Her eyes opened wide.“You drugged me!”
“You and plenty of others.Had lots of fun in this alley, in the one down the street, and in the one—”
She dropped low and punched him in the dick.As hard as she could.Pain and shock had him stumbling back from her as he grabbed his injured cock.
“You bitch!”
“That is no way to talk to a lady,” Lane’s low voice came from the shadows.The same shadows Royce had wanted to enter.If he’d taken her there, he would have found a dangerous surprise waiting for him.
As Ophelia rose to her full height, Lane stalked from the darkness.His hands were fisted at his sides.His eyes went straight to Ophelia.“Did he hurt you?In any way?”
She had the feeling that if she said yes, he’d rip Royce apart right then and there.“I’m good.”
Royce straightened.“What the fuck is this?Why is your ex here?Fuck, fuck, fuck—”He lunged for Ophelia.
She didn’t even need to tense.Lane had already moved to stand in Royce’s path.A perfect shield.When Royce swung with his wild fist, Lane took the blow.Didn’t even stagger back as it hit him in the gut.
Ophelia winced for him.“Uh, Lane?”You got this?Her head craned.Where the hell was Derek?He’d better be getting this all on camera.
“You hit me first,” Lane said quietly to Royce.“So I’m totally within my rights to do this.”And then he swung.First his right fist.A hit that caught Royce under the jaw and sent his head tipping up sharply.Ophelia could actually hear the sound of his teeth snapping together.Lane’s second fist hit Royce in the mid-section.
“Oof!”All of the air left Royce’s lungs.He hunched over, hugging himself.
Ophelia’s fingers skated across Lane’s tense back.“Have you seen a bouncer?”she asked quietly.“About six-foot-one, white t-shirt, goes by Derek and should be filming right about now?”
At that one word—filming—Royce’s whole body jolted.He whirled around and fled.But he didn’t get too far.
Derek stepped into his path.