Page 20 of Locked In Ice
“Depends on what you think the quote means.”
“Touché.Could just mean Hamlet thought his girl was cheating and called her two-faced.You know, because he was pissed and what not.”A roll of one shoulder.“I like to think it means we are all two people.We have our real faces, and then we have the faces that we show to the rest of the world.The person we actually are.Then the person who we like to pretend to be.Saw that a lot when I would profile with the FBI.There are the people who wear the faces of heroes.Who claim to be so good.”She leaned forward as if imparting a secret.“But the devil hides behind every smile they share.”
He did not change expression.
“Hope your dreams aren’t too dark tonight.If they are, just remember, I’m right next door.Knock if you need me.”She backed up and closed the door.
Lane was very afraid that…he did need her.
Chapter Five
Ophelia released the breath she’d been holding.She turned around and pressed her back to the door.
Too intense.The day—and night—had been too much.She’d skirted the edge and gone over it, and it had taken all of her self-control not to fall apart right in front of Lane.She didn’t usually get afraid.No, fear was a luxury that she did not allow herself.
But when she’d been in that alley, when her head had banged against the brick and darkness had been lurking so close by, and when she’d felt the hot stir of Royce’s breath against her, another time had flashed into her mind.
Another night.
Another alley.
A killer who’d wrecked her world.
I was sixteen.I didn’t know how to fight back.She hadn’t known how to do anything but scream as the blood seeped through her fingers.
It wasn’t just adrenaline that fueled her.Fear and fury had churned within her.Holding onto her control during the police interrogation and justtalkinglike a semi-normal person had been so hard.
Then going to the hotel…seeing Lane when they were alone.The tension had mounted to a fever pitch.
She’d wanted to let the control rip away.She’d wanted to grab Lane.To kiss him and see if the fire would burn just as brightly when their mouths met.Where would the wild attraction go?What would happen between them?It had been so long since she’d wanted someone so badly.
Relationships weren’t for her.She didn’t want someone swearing love to her.Promising forever.Forever ended in blood and pain.Or at least, it had for her.
I’ll love you forever, Ophelia.
Forget forever.She wanted pleasure.Release.Forgetfulness and the oblivion that could come from an amazing orgasm.
Her phone vibrated.Ophelia had figured the call would come.Sooner or later.She sagged onto the floor.Stretched out her legs and drew out the phone.“Yo, Memphis.Are you still driving?You sure were hell-bent on getting out of town.”
“Not driving.I’m settled for now.”A pause.“Did you have an eventful night?”
The slightly censuring tone of his voice told her that he already knew all about her night.Ophelia bristled.“What was I supposed to do?Ignorethe predator right there in front of me?I had already taken the job before I shook hands with you.At the time I planned my trap for Nicholson, I certainly didn’t expect I’d have a new partner.”
“That shit could have gone badly tonight.”
“Well, clearly, it didn’t.”But, yes, it could have.“Who told you?Was it Lane?Did he call you while I was still talking to the cops or something?”Way to rat me out, Lane.That would have to be another rule they discussed.
“I checked in with him.He might have mentioned you were both at the police station.”
Okay, so Memphis had called Lane.Not the other way around.But…still.“Two bad guys are off the streets.I think you should be giving me gold stars instead of grumbling at me.”
Another pause.His pauses could say way too much.After a beat, Memphis noted, “Your voice sounds…different.”
Crap.Sometimes she forgot how observant the former bounty hunter could be.“I’m tired.Running on the cinnamon roll I had for breakfast.Sorry I’m not my normal bright and perky self for you.Try calling me at a decent hour in the morning and I will be better.”
“I need to know what you think.”