Page 49 of Locked In Ice
As if she’d ever been able to forget him.
She slapped the file down on her desk.It hit with a thud.Her fingers were still shaking when she opened the file.
And the grisly crime scene photos stared back at her.
FBI Special Agent in Charge Samuel “Sam” Hitchcock.Decorated agent.Hero.Impeccable case closure rate.Her training officer.
And the man she’d killed.
The only time that she’d had to pull a trigger and take a life.
She stared down at his face.And remembered the last words he’d spoken to her.
Right before his fingers had begun to squeeze the trigger, Samuel had said…
Always knew you had killer instincts, Ophelia.
“You sonofabitch,” she whispered.
Chapter Ten
The bedroom door creaked open.
Lane had been sprawled on the bed and staring at the ceiling.The balcony doors were wide open, letting in a faint breeze.A lucky thing to feel in Savannah.
He glanced at the door and saw the outline of her body.
He’d wondered if she’d come to him.More like fuckinghopedshe would.
He knew it was close to one a.m.The clock on his bedside had told him that truth just a few moments before.Her silhouette remained in the doorway, but she didn’t enter his room.Not yet.Patience was a virtue, and he sure as shit didn’t have many of those left, but he remained still.
Come to me, Ophelia.Come inside.Come to me.
His eyes had long been adjusted to the dark.So he just stared straight at her.And she—
Began to pull the door closed.Ophelia was leaving.
Running away?
Not like he could allow that.“Trying to make sure I haven’t snuck out for another walk?”His voice came out as a low and deep growl.
She jerked in surprise.
“I’m still here,” he assured her.“There something you need?”Say me, sweet Ophelia.Say you need me.
“I need…”
Tell me, baby.
“I need to tell you the truth.”
Well, hell.That was hardly as interesting as her needing to use him for hot, dirty sex.He sat up and let the covers fall to his waist.“What deep, dark truth might that be?”He wanted her closer.Step into my parlor.He felt like a spider just waiting to pounce.“Gonna confess another killing to me?”
“Sam—Samuel was the only person I’ve ever killed.”She still remained just outside of his room.
He waited.
Ophelia lingered.Her rose scent drifted in the air to him.