Page 60 of Locked In Ice
He wasn’t doing a profile.Just saying what he felt when he thought of his own past.The scar from the shank the other prisoner had used on him—that wound didn’t physically hurt.No phantom pains.But even though he wasn’t locked up, Lane couldn’t escape that cell.He slipped back into it nearly every time he closed his eyes.
Unless I’m dreaming about Ophelia.Fantasizing about her.Then he didn’t go to hell.He went to heaven.
“What about this scar on you?”Her hand feathered to his right shoulder.“Looks like a slice from a knife to me.”
Because it was.“My father.”
Sadness flashed on her face.
“Doesn’t hurt anymore,” he told her.The words she’d given to him.
A shake of Ophelia’s head.“Now who is the liar?”Her fingers fluttered over the old mark.“‘It still hurts on the inside.’”Again, the words he’d just given to her.“‘Still twists you up and gives you nightmares.You go back there, over and over again in your head, and you hate what he did.The pain echoes through you no matter what you do.’”
If you could have another half of your soul somewhere out in the world, he was pretty sure that Ophelia might be it for him.
Everything I feel, she does, too.
He backed away from her because…
His own thoughts had just terrified him.
She sent him a small smile.“Too much sharing for the day?”She looked at her bare wrist, as if checking a watch.“And it’s not even 7 a.m.Probably should at least have had breakfast before we unearthed more painful memories, hmmm?”
How did she do that?Smile brightly when things felt like ash around him?
“I’m going to shower downstairs.I’ll meet you in the kitchen for breakfast.You have never fully lived until you’ve tried my chocolate chip pancakes.”
Lane found that he couldn’t move.
Part of him actually felt like…
I hadn’t fully lived until I met you.His second utterly insane thought of the morning.Could good sex truly drive a man to madness?But, total honesty, it hadn’t just been good.
The sex had been phenomenal.
He’d fucked her at least three times during the night.
And if he hadn’t thought she was sore, he would have gone for time number four.
Naked and with her hips rolling, she left him.His stare could not help but drop to her ass.What a fine, fine view it was.
The door clicked closed behind her.
He looked down at his saluting dick.“Cold shower,” Lane decided.Very, very cold.And maybe that icy shower would help to bring his sanity back.
Because he wasn’t the emotional type, and he sure as hell didn’t believe in soulmate BS.
Ophelia was his partner.His trainer in all things killer related.
And she was also…
The best sex I’ve ever had.
And maybe…maybe the besteverythinghe’d ever had?
Third fucking terrifying thought of the day.