Page 69 of Locked In Ice
“You can stop that,” Lane told him.
Both Beau and Ophelia turned to stare at him.
Since Beau didn’t stop, Lane helped the guy.He caught their hands and separated them.
“Ophelia…” Again with the exaggerated whisper from Beau.“I’m not sure about this new partner of yours.”
“That’s okay,” she replied without any hesitation.“I’m sure of him.”
“He seems real possessive for a partner.”
Yeah, Lane was real possessive.
“Not normal circumstances right now,” Ophelia told Beau.“We’re both a bit stressed.”
Beau eyed Lane.“You look stressed.”
Lane bared his teeth in a tiger’s smile.I will show you stressed.
“Ah, Beau?”Ophelia waved to get his attention once more.“I’m gonna need you to talk to your staff ASAP for me.Will you do that?ASAP?”she emphasized.
Beau nodded.
“Great.”She pulled out her phone.“And, just so you know, things might get a tad busy upstairs for a while.Got to call an old associate to help out a bit.He’ll get the ball rolling fast for me.”
A frown pulled at Beau’s lips.“Which associate would that be?Because, honestly, some of the people who visit you scare even me.”
What was that supposed to mean?
“Oh, this will be the scariest one,” she assured him without missing a beat.“I’m calling a Fed.”
“I need a private place to talk with my contact.”Her gaze flew around the bar.“Mind if I use your office, Beau?”
He motioned lazily with one hand.“Make yourself at home.”
“Thanks.”She headed behind the bar counter.Then tossed a quick glance over her shoulder.“You two be nice.”
“When am I ever anything but nice?”Beau asked.“That’s hurtful and insulting.”
Ophelia kept her gaze on Lane.
He wasn’t making any promises.Nice was the last thing he felt.
She headed for the office.But paused in the doorway.And right before she went inside…
Ophelia looked back once more—and she winked at him.
“So…you screwing Ophelia?”
Lane had been seated at the bar, waiting for Ophelia to finish her call with the Fed.She’d already been in the office five minutes.How long was the chat gonna take?But, at Beau’s question, his attention shifted to the jerk who seemed determined to annoy the hell out of him.“None of your business.”
Beau hopped onto the barstool near him.“I’ll take that as a yes.”