Page 74 of Locked In Ice
He could go after the bitch who’d tried to ruin his life.
“Your office is clear.”FBI Special Agent Pierce Wayne inclined his head toward Ophelia.“Got our crime techs to bag and tag all the evidence we collected.If we turn up anything useful, we’ll tell you.”
His partner, Special Agent Tameka Bryant, cleared her throat.“I’ve been dying to know all day…” First her stare raked Ophelia, then it measured Lane.There was plenty of recognition in her dark eyes when she looked at him.
Right.Of course, she knows who I am.He was sure both Feds did.They’d been eyeing him with suspicion ever since their arrival.
“Why are you getting such special treatment?”Tameka finished as her stare returned to Ophelia.“Not like Feds are sent out to every breaking and entering in the city.”
Pierce grunted.“Especially when the perpleavessomething and doesn’t take it.”
Ophelia tapped her right foot.They were in the parking lot, standing in front of her Jeep.She didn’t respond as the moments stretched by, and Lane wondered if she was trying to decide what she wanted to tell the agents.
“You must know the Executive Assistant Director pretty well,” Tameka finally ventured.“Because Ballard called our field office personally and told us to make certain that we give you every bit of assistance possible.”
Lane knew the name.Executive Assistant Director Colby Ballard had certainly thought that Lane was guilty as hell once upon a time.The man pulled strings left and right at the Bureau, but, until this moment, Lane hadn’t realized that Ophelia was tight with the guy.
In general, most of the people Lane knew viewed Ballard as being a straight-up dick.
Was Ophelia actually friends with him?
“I appreciate the Executive Assistant Director’s cooperation,” Ophelia finally replied in a smooth-as-silk tone.“I’ve done some contract work for the Bureau over the years, and Ballard has appreciated my efforts.He knows that I don’t cry wolf.”A tight smile.“Quite the opposite, in fact.So why I can see that a bouquet of flowers in my office hardly seems FBI worthy, Ballard trusts me.He trusts my instincts.He knows how important this case is, or you wouldn’t be here.”
“Want to enlighten us?”Pierce pushed with a cough.“Because I’d love to know why some blue flowers sent the EAD into panic mode.”
“I’ve never seen Ballard panic,” Ophelia replied.
“Well, he called, told us to get our asses to this address and to give you every bit of assistance that you requested.And if we couldn’t arrive within twenty minutes, he threatened to demote us.”Pierce scratched his cheek.“I consider that his panic mode.”
“Or his pissed mode,” Tameka tagged on.“Maybe something about this case is pissing off the boss?”
Ophelia glanced over at Lane.“I have to confess, I am pissed, too.”
So was he.More than pissed.Is the killer in this town?Is he watching Ophelia?
“The best way you can help me,” Ophelia focused her attention back on the agents, “is by letting me know if your techs turn up anything useful with the vase of flowers or with the note.”She dug her keys out of her bag.“Lane, we need to go.Got a case waiting tonight.”Her head dipped toward the agents.“Thank you.I appreciate your assistance.”After giving her thanks, she turned from the agents and headed for the driver’s side of the Jeep.
“Speaking of the note…” Pierce’s voice followed her.“Just what ‘work’ is it that the perp doesn’t want you to stop?”
She opened her door but spared the agent a quick glance.“Oh, you know.The usual.Murder.”Ophelia hopped in the Jeep.“Thanks again for your help.Give my regards to Ballard, would you?”
Lane had already climbed into the passenger seat.Ophelia reversed a few moments later, and they zipped down the road.A glance over his shoulder showed Lane that the FBI agents were watching them leave.“So…” It seemed as good of a time as any to ask.“Want to tell me why you didn’t tell the two Feds that you think a serial killer left those flowers for you?”
“I told Ballard.Also told one or two others at the Bureau that I trusted.People who knew what went down years ago.”
His stare slid to hers.Got caught by her profile.“So you trust Ballard.You’re…friends.”Yeah, some disgust rolled out at the end.Lane couldn’t help it.
“I get that you have some bad blood with him.”
It was one hell of a lot more than just some bad blood.“The man wanted me to die, Ophelia.The only way he wanted me leaving a cell was in a body bag.”
She braked at a light.Her head angled toward him.“I’m sorry.”
His brows shot up.Her apology seemed damn sincere.Come to think of it, she usually seemed pretty sincere when she talked to him.But he could easily tell when she was baiting or working her sarcastic charm on others.