Page 41 of Touch of Chaos
Without another word, we all start to dress in tactical gear, putting the Kevlar on and multiple straps around our waist, legs, and shoulders to hold various sizes of guns and ammo. Once we are all protected and armed to the teeth, we make our way back upstairs and outside, where dozens of black SUVs are already waiting.
We pile in one of the cars silently, while the driver revs the engine and takes off immediately after we close the doors. I took the seat up front while Xander and Quinton are in the second row, and my father is in the third row.
As we drive, we go over the plan of attack in detail. Once again, I tell them everything I know about the compound, which Xander seems quite impressed by.
“You know a lot about this place.”
“I spent a lot of time surveilling it,” I answer. “I was planning on taking them down by myself, so I needed all the info I could get.”
“Did you really think you could go on your own and get out of there alive?” Q question.
“Honestly, for a while, I wasn’t that worried about getting out alive. All I wanted was to kill Rebecca.” My words make my dad curse under his breath. I know, knowing this must hurt him, and I really hope he doesn’t tell Mom or Luna about this. “I didn’t care about my own life back then, but that’s in the past. I do now.”
I know I have people here that care about me and that don’t want me to get hurt. Not only my family, but Scarlet too. I can’t leave them, and I definitely can’t leave her.
It’s late in the afternoon by the time we finally roll up to the compound. Before we make it to the gate, Xander gives us all earpieces to stay in contact with each other while we’re here. I pop the small device into my ear.
With an army in tow and New Haven’s defenses down from the last attack, we don’t encounter a lot of resistance. The SUV in front of us crashes into the gate, the already bent metal giving way with ease, letting us drive into the compound.
There are only a few guards present, which are quickly taken down by our guys before we even get out of the SUV. When we do get out of the car, the surrounding area is empty, void of all the people who are usually bustling around.
“Make sure the area is clear while we check out the building with the tunnel,” Xander orders his men, before we make our way to said building.
Just as I suspected, we find a latch leading to a tunnel inside.
“We can’t wait for backup,” I say. “Rebecca must know we’re here. If we don’t move now, she might be gone.”
“Agreed, let’s move,” Xander responds before telling all his men to follow us through the tunnel via his earpiece.
Guns drawn, we enter the narrow tunnel. It’s held up by two by fours and boards on the top, threatening to come down any moment. There is a single string of dim lights illuminating the otherwise dark space, but we can’t see far ahead because the tunnel isn’t straight. For a while, I fear that this is the trap, and the tunnel will blow up any moment, burying us inside.
It isn’t until we turn and find a door at the end that I breathe a little lighter. My father leads the way, with me close behind, while Xander and Quinton are behind us. When my father reaches for the doorknob, the door doesn’t open.
“It’s locked,” he whispers. “I’m going to kick it in,” he warns a moment before lifting his leg and kicking inches away from the doorknob.
The wood gives away with ease, opening up into what looks like a storage room.
“I can’t believe they didn’t expect us to find this tunnel. This is too easy,” Quinton points out.
“I agree. Someone must have warned them by now that we were coming. Where is the welcoming committee?” I question.
“Might be behind door number two,” my father points to the only exit the small building has.
“Or they are not here at all,” Xander shares his thoughts. “Either way, let’s move forward.”
My father nods and moves to the next door. Not even checking if it’s unlocked, he kicks it open like he did with the last one.
I fully expect the door to lead to the outside. But instead of the afternoon sun, another larger room greets us. Inside, we finally meet the welcome committee.
The first person I see is Rebecca, standing in the center of the small group. Her son, William beside her. Some of her guards surround her, but then there are a few men I don’t recognize. And those don’t fit in here at all. Dressed in black with tattoos peeking out on their hands and necks. They look more like thugs.
“That’s Dimitri Novicov. Russian mob,” Xander grits through his teeth, explaining who they are.
We’re all holding guns and pointing them at each other but luckily, no one shoots right away.
“Xander, old friend,” Dimitri greets in a thick Russian accent. “Glad you could make it. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about the situation we have on our hands. See, these lovely people here are providing us with young girls for our auctions,so I would really appreciate it if you would not interfere with that.”
“They have one of my own, so you bet your fucking ass I’m interfering with that,” Xander spits.