Page 63 of Touch of Chaos
“It’s real.” Just as real as the box in my back pocket, which I now pull out. Mom practically insisted on giving me a ring that’s been in the family for years, and I open the box to present itto Scarlet. My angel. “You’re all I’ll ever want. Your happiness, your safety, that’s what my life is all about now. Please, tell me you’ll let me spend the rest of my life devoted to nothing more than you and our family. I can’t promise I’m always going to make it easy for you, but I will always love you with everything in me. Do you think you could take a chance and become my wife?”
The thing is, she doesn’t even look at the ring. She’s too busy staring at me, hands covering her mouth, her eyes filling with tears. Happy tears? I sure as hell hope so. I’ve never understood until this very moment what it means to have my life completely in somebody else’s hands. My future, all of me, it’s all wrapped up in her.
“Of course I will,” she squeaks out, head bobbing up and down. The sun that already shone so bright is now dazzling as I stand and hold out my arms for her to throw herself into them. I’m holding the entire world now, everything that matters most. I’m never letting go.
“I love you.” She takes my face in her hands, beaming up at me before our mouths meet in the sweetest, most tender kiss. The sort of kiss that marks new beginnings. Her tears wet my cheeks by the time she pulls back, laughing and crying all at once. “I love you so much. I can’t believe this. We’re getting married.”
Taking her left hand, I slide the four-carat diamond solitaire over her ring finger. “It’s official now. No turning back.”
“As if I want to.” After taking a second to admire the platinum band, she takes me by the back of the neck with that hand and pulls me in for another kiss.
One Year Later
Ican hardly believe it. A year ago, this day seemed so far off. Like it would never get here. More of a concept than anything else. Something I looked forward to every day, even while I was looking forward to the baby’s arrival. It’s been a year full of hope and joy and love, and it’s been better than anything I ever imagined even in my most childish fantasies. Back when the closest I could get to Ren was in a dream.
This is no dream. Standing here, just inside the doorway, leading out to the garden, everything is very real. I see it all so clearly. The sky is bluer than I’ve ever seen it, the trees greener, the flowers more lush and vibrant. Their sweetness drifts my way through the open door, and I close my eyes, trying to take it all in. I want to absorb this moment. Standing here, minutes away from my biggest dream coming true.
Everyone is already out there. From where I stand, I hear Rose babbling happily in Mom’s arms. My little girl. Just the thought of her makes my heart swell. I didn’t know it was possible to love the way I love her. I have everything I’ve ever dreamed of.
Well, not quite yet. In a few minutes, I will. Once Dad walks me down the aisle.
He’s wearing a gentle smile as he approaches, looking me up and down. “You look radiant,” he tells me as he admires my ivory lace gown. I wanted something soft and romantic to suit the setting, and the long skirt swishes gently around my legs when I turn in place for him.
“Thank you,” I whisper, already fighting back the waves of emotion that have been trying to drown me all day. “Thank you for all of this. None of it would be possible without you.”
“It’s a father’s privilege to give his daughter a beautiful wedding.” He gently kisses my cheek, chuckling. “Don’t want to ruin your make up. Your mother made me promise.”
Obviously, he didn’t really mean his promise, because he adds, “You’ve been a wonderful daughter and have always given your mother and me a lot of happiness. Now that I’ve watched you grow into the role of mother, I couldn’t be more proud of the woman you’ve become.”
“So much for my makeup,” I laugh through the tears I can’t hold back. He takes a handkerchief from his breast pocket and dabs the corners of my eyes while we laugh together.
“And now, there’s a very anxious young man waiting for you at the far end of the garden. Do you think we should go out and meet him?“ I answer by taking his offered arm, a bouquet of lush gardenias in my other hand.
Luna and Aspen take that as their cue, both of them giving me big smiles before turning to face the guests. Once Luna takes her first step onto the white runner, a string quartet beginsplaying Canon in D. The guests waiting in the rows of white chairs turn to watch the girls float down the aisle, their rose pink dresses matching the roses pinned in their hair and the delicate blooms dotting the hedges. Once they reach the end of the runner, it’s our turn.
Please, don’t let me forget a second of this. The smiling faces of so many people I love. Sophie and Roman, both looking choked up on their side of the aisle. Mom, holding Rose in her arms, clutching little Tristen’s hand to keep him in place. His blue suit matches the ones worn by Ren and his daddy, and he might be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. He and Rose are already joined at the hip, and I hope they grow up with a strong bond. If the past couple of years have told me anything, it’s the importance of family.
And there’s Mom, sniffling through her bright smile. Rose waves both arms when she recognizes her mommy walking slowly toward her – I blow her a kiss, then another for Mom. I couldn’t have done any of this without her support.
At the end of the runner stands my brother, hands folded in front of him, smiling at me before grinning at his best friend. The two of them managed to get past everything that took place when Ren was at the height of his illness. Seeing them together again, the way they used to be has been one of the most satisfying parts of the past year, right up there with Rose’s birth as far as I’m concerned. I want Ren to have everything he needs, and the best friend who has always been more like a brother to him is definitely one of those things.
Finally, my gaze lands on the man I’m about to marry. I can’t breathe when our eyes meet and he flashes the sort of smile that still makes butterflies flutter in my stomach. He is so handsome in his navy suit, but it’s the love radiating from his face that makes him the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. That’s the only word I can think of to describe him now. The past year hasonly made him more precious to me. Watching him become a father, seeing the gentle part of his soul coming to the surface whenever he plays with Rose or rocks her to sleep.
He blows out a soft whistle when I join him. “You are stunning,” he whispers, then shakes Dad’s hand before taking mine. Luna holds my bouquet before I turn to her brother. I have never felt so sure of anything in my life as I do at this very moment.
The officiant smiles at both of us before looking out over the gathering of family and friends. “Dearly beloved, we are here today to join Scarlet and Ren in matrimony. It is my honor and privilege to stand before you and assist in this process, but it is the love and devotion these two share that makes this possible.”
Now I am so glad we decided not to write our own vows, because I’m pretty sure I couldn’t make it through the first sentence without bawling my eyes out. I can barely hold back the tears now, as I look up into the shining eyes of the love of my life. He has given me everything I’ve ever wanted, and even more that I never knew I needed.
But if I did write my own vows, I would have to tell him how grateful I am for him working so hard to get better for both of us. I would tell him how proud I am of how far he’s come and how he has changed my entire life for the better in a hundred little ways. How every day, he finds a way to make me love him more. I wouldn’t think it was possible, but there’s no denying facts. And the fact is, I love him more at this moment than I did during our rehearsal dinner last night.
The titanium band fits his finger perfectly. “With this ring, I thee wed,” I manage to choke out without blubbering. Mom sobs softly, and I glance over to find Dad wrapping his free arm around her while holding Tristen in the other.
By the time Ren slides the diamond-encrusted platinum band over my finger, I can’t possibly hold back anymore. Thefirst tears start to fall. He reaches out to brush one of them away from my cheek and I’m pretty sure I hear Aspen swooning behind me.