Page 48 of A Ruthless Lust
“I might have been too hasty when I told you to go ahead and give that reporter everything.” It was the only way he could ensure Caleb and Celeste Aldridge’s deeds got full exposure. Caleb was a criminal with his wife standing behind him all the way and the world needed to know. It was the best way to clear his father’s name once and for all. Not only his father but the Coldwell name. He didn’t give a damn about the looks he received from others—the barely veiled criticism—was he a scammer like his old man? Did he build his empire by stealing from others? The only person he really felt bad for was his mother. Arlet had received those looks for years and suffered being disowned by her own family. It was bad enough falling in love with and running off with a man deemed unsuitable, but to have him turn out to be a criminal…both Arlet and her child were, for the most part, excommunicated from the family.
There was a long release of breath followed by silence. Joe cleared his throat. “First, you want to save the Aldridge mansion, and now this …”
“I don’t need this shit from you right now, Joe.” Damian massaged the bridge of his nose. It was official. He was losing his mind—developing feelings for a woman he had no business feeling anything for, wavering on years of planning. It was pure insanity. “Look, I’m just asking that you put a hold on things for at least a few days.” Until Abby recovered from whatever devastation she was experiencing. “I’d do it myself, but my name can’t be linked to the story.”
“Because people might think your only motive is to destroy Caleb’s legacy because you hate him?” Joe asked.
“Even though that’s exactly what the situation is?”
Damian scowled. “You know, Joseph, if you weren’t my friend and so damn good at your job, I would fire your ass.” A responding chuckle followed and he gritted his teeth.
“I’m sure I can delay the release of all the juicy tidbits by a couple of days.”
“Thank you.”
“Uh huh,” Joe said. “It’s the girl again isn’t it?”
“Goodbye, Joe,” Damian said and ended the call. A tirade of expletives filled the bathroom in Spanish as he undressed and stepped into the shower cubicle.
He wasn’t sure how long he stood under the steaming cascade of water with his head bowed as he mentally berated himself for becoming so weak. It was a hell of a time to develop a conscience—when he was almost through with his quest. The soft hiss of the glass door sliding open startled him. His head snapped up to see Abby, fully naked stepping into the stall with a small smile.
“Want company?” she asked. “You’ve been in here a while, and I got lonely out there by myself.
Damian’s eyes swept her slight frame with instant hunger. He was unable to resist the allure of his red-haired witch no matter what mood he was in. “I can always do with your company, especially if you’re naked.”
Her palms slid over his chest and the slight gesture brought on fierce arousal. He stood still, allowing her to touch him, enjoying the feeling like butterfly wings dancing across his skin. An area of discoloration on her shoulder caught his attention, and he swore. “For Christ’s sake, Abby, were you in some kind of a brawl?” He slid his fingers over the small bruise.
She giggled. “It’s nothing. Elaina and I got into a spat. We fight all the time. You’d think we were kids and not grown women. Plus, my skin bruises so easily.”
Her nonchalance did nothing to ease his anger. “That bruise on your face looks like more than a spat.”
“Oh, this …” She palmed her cheek, her eyes clouding with sadness that he wished he could take away. “This was someone else. After Elaina and I got into a spat, my mother, Celeste, well…we got into a spat.” She shrugged and smiled faintly. “Needless to say, I’ve had one hell of an evening.”
Letting out a breath, and putting aside his desire to wrap his hands around Celeste’s neck, he caught Abby’s hands and pulled her closer. “Your family is insane. Does this kind of abuse happen often?”
She laughed again. “No. Physical blows aren’t the norm. And I wouldn’t call it abuse. Emotions have been running high lately, and I can never just shut up. I suffered the consequences of a loose tongue, I suppose.”
Damian sighed. “No one should ever put their hands on you. Except me, when we’re ... making love.”
“It’s making love now, is it?”
He was silent for a few seconds and then amusement gleamed in his eyes. “That is what you ladies like to hear, isn’t it?”
“So, that was purely to make me feel good?”
“Purely,” he said, bending to capture her mouth. In an instant, everything was forgotten. His troubled thoughts and emotions, the negative aftermath his actions would bring…were all swept away with that one kiss. Only he and Abby existed in their own small bubble for the time being. He wanted to get his fill of her in case, soon, he lost her for good. He managed to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach caused by his last thought and lost himself in Abby’s softness. Running his fingers through her now soaked tresses, he held her still so he could thoroughly explore her mouth until their breathing became ragged.
“Damian,” she whispered against his mouth, in that half sigh, half moan that he loved so much to hear…that never failed to send him into a lustful frenzy. He found her hips and easily lifted her. Her legs automatically wound around his waist, bringing her hot center up against his hard length.
“Hold on to me, Abby.”
Her arms wound around his shoulders, tightly.
He couldn’t wait another second to bury himself inside her warmth. He would have liked to take things slow, but it was impossible to control the burning need that always clawed at him when he was near her. He knew she was moist and ready for him. She always was. Surging forward, he let out a satisfied grunt. How was it possible to feel at home inside of someone? It felt so right to be with her, and the many times when he thought about it, he was nearly thrown into panic.
Damian buried his face between her neck and shoulders and soaked up the feeling of being inside of her without a barrier, something he never did with other women, and likely never would again. He’d done it more than once with Abby, and not once did he give a damn about the consequences. It seemed she didn’t either. He committed the incredible feeling of being surrounded by her to memory, as their wet skin slid against each other, creating an erotic friction.
Abby gasped and threw her head back, her arms and legs tightening around him. Her body speaking to him, telling him of her pleasure, that she was about to explode. He lifted his head just in time to catch the bliss careening across her face, as she shattered, shuddering against him. He didn’t want the moment to end but his body seemed to take control, moving faster and reaching for release. Her muscles clenching around him was too much, and he exploded with such intensity his knees weakened. It was a wonder he managed to hold them both upright as their unsteady breathing mingled.
“This is probably the best shower I’ve ever taken,” Abby said.
Damian smiled and dipped his head, the flash of regret in his eyes hidden in her hair. Perhaps he’d never have Abby like this in his shower again.