Page 6 of A Ruthless Lust
“You’re an interesting woman, bonita pelirroja. And terrible for any man’s ego it appears.”
Abby’s heart flipped. Pretty redhead. He called her a pretty redhead. She understood that much from her limited, Spanish vocabulary. He was Latino? But she detected no trace of an accent. Still, the stranger’s ranking went up several notches on the hotness meter. There was nothing hotter than a man who could whisper sweet nothings in a woman’s ear in a romantic language. Before she could swoon or throw out a witty comeback, a thunder of applause sounded from inside.
Over the microphone, the announcer sang, “It’s time to hear from the man himself, Damian Coldwell.”
Abby craned her neck to peer through the glass door. Coldwell was in the building. Still peering inside, she didn’t see her mystery man emerge from the shadows.
When she turned back around, she gasped, coming face-to-face with the man she hated and vowed to destroy. The face that she’d stared at for hours while researching everything about him online. She even had a picture of him pinned to the wall of her bedroom to throw darts at.
Damian Coldwell stood before her, all square-jawed, his eyes as dark as the night…staring back at her. She stepped back, a strangled sound of shock escaping her. No. No!
Abby was mortified. For one, she’d spent their entire conversation building some strange blind attraction to the man. Two, she’d unwittingly insulted him in person. All hopes of seducing him—not to mention her plan—were dead. She’d ruined everything.
Damian’s lips curved into a smile. His eyes danced with humor, which surprised her. “If you’ll excuse me, Black Sheep. This pompous ass has a speech to give. Good chat though.” He sauntered to the door, downing the rest of the champagne she’d offered him.
For a while, Abby stood frozen and gaped at his broad back disappearing into the crowd. “Oh, my God,” she gasped, clutching the lapels of the jacket around her shoulders. His jacket. With an irritated growl, she shrugged off the garment and eyed it with disgust. At once, the cold night air sent a shock through her system, and she cursed. Taking a quick moment to gather herself, she glided back inside.