Page 15 of Fired
“Stand here and stare at boxes.”
“Fuck you. Buy me lunch.”
Jason favored eclectic restaurants that were unknown to all but a handful of people. Today he’d decided on a tiny Cajun place in a half-empty strip mall on Indian School Road. Over plates of crayfish étouffée, Jason entertained me with tales of his revolving list of female companions, and it was exactly what I needed. It got my mind off Espo 2 and the new assistant manager.
When we were done, I figured Jason would just drop me off, but he said he wanted to take another look around.
“Hey, what’s your opening day again?” he asked as I fumbled for the keys.
“October third, but we’re doing a friends and family soft opening two days before that.”
“Great. I’ll be expecting an engraved invitation.”
I rolled my eyes. “Of course you’re invited, Jay.”
Jason nodded with satisfaction.
“What’s wrong?” he asked a few seconds later as he noticed me scowling at the door. My key had turned without a telltale click, and I realized the door was unlocked. I was sure I’d locked it before we left. And I was pretty sure I knew who had come here and unlocked it.
“Nothing’s wrong,” I said. “We have a visitor, though, so behave yourself.”
She must have seen us approach from inside Espo 2. She was leaning against the counter, shapely legs in black heels crossed at the ankle, hands on her hips. I knew that Gio had told her casual attire was just fine, but for some reason she kept showing up every day, looking like a hot Wall Street executive.
“Hello, Dominic,” said Melanie. She was wearing glasses, and her long black hair was tied up in a bun, but that didn’t distract from the fact that her gray business outfit hugged every blessed curve like it had been painted on. The short-sleeved blazer buttoned underneath her full breasts, which were tucked primly behind a white blouse. The skirt wasn’t short, but its shape gave a mouthwatering view of her figure. I pictured her tugging this ensemble on this morning, probably congratulating herself on looking so practical and professional, not realizing her sicko boss would start running a pornographic movie through his sex-deprived mind at the sight of her.
I just want to tear that shit off with my teeth.
Damn, I was a fucking dog.
“Hey, Melanie,” I answered in a bored, casual voice. Jason, however, had a mind even dirtier than mine. I heard him let out a low whistle as he looked her over.
Melanie didn’t seem to hear him. She stepped forward with her hand out and a smile on her lips. “I’m Melanie Cruz,” she said, “bookkeeper and assistant manager extraordinaire.”
“Nice to meet you,” Jason said, and shook her hand a few seconds longer than necessary. I shot him a look, but he was too busy being enchanted. “I’m Jason Roma, Dominic’s oldest and best friend—no matter what he says. By the way is that your official title?”
She laughed and withdrew her hand. “Why, yes. I’ve asked for that exact language on the nameplate for my desk.” She raised an eyebrow in my direction. “Providing I ever get a desk.”
“It’s on order,” I said vaguely, trying not to look at her. I could smell her freaking perfume—floral and sexy—from where I was standing.
“Still, huh?” She took a step closer and peered up at me, eyes narrowing in a way that let me know she knew I was full of shit. “Must be some desk.”
I locked eyes with her and felt my pants tighten. “Must be.”
Melanie held my gaze for a couple of excruciatingly long seconds and then looked at Jason. “You know, Jason, the other Mr.Esposito sent me down here to find out what was going on. Looks like I’ll be returning with the bad news that the office is still cluttered with boxes and, alas, there is no room for me.” She cocked her head and glanced at me regretfully. “It’s a shame because I have a long list of things I’d like to start tackling, and it would be much easier to work if I wasn’t playing musical desks over at Espo 1. Hopefully soon there will be a place for me here because I really am eager to do a good job.”
“Really?” I could hear the amused interest in Jason’s voice and tried not to wince over it. He knew me too well. “Our Dom is guilty of being kind of a loner. I think the company of a colleague would be good for him.”
“I’m not a colleague, I’m her damn boss!” I snapped.
Jason snorted and then tried to cover it up with a cough.
“Of course you are,” Melanie said, looking at me a little funny. “Look, I’m really not trying to intrude. I know you have a lot to do in the next few weeks, and I promise not to get in your way.”
I felt like a first-class dipshit. Here was this smart, capable woman who was just trying to do her job, totally innocent of the fact that she worked for a lech who couldn’t stop imagining what her tits would feel like in his mouth.
“Well,” said Jason suddenly, “I’d love to stick around and help you guys mediate this little situation, but I’ve got a meeting to get to. Melanie, it was outstanding meeting you, and I’m hoping for a follow-up. Dominic, you owe me a hair-raising night on the town real soon, so I’ll be returning to collect. Hug the little brother for me, will you? He’s coming next time we go out.”
“See ya, Jay,” I muttered, picking up a nearby hammer for no reason at all. I searched for something meaningful to do with it, feeling Melanie’s eyes on me all the while.