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“I have a problem,” she said, emerging from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body.
I promptly reached out and yanked the towel down. “I don’t see a problem.”
Cassie giggled, blushed and picked the towel back up. She was an astounding mix of shyness and sexiness and it drove me nuts. I’d learned every detail last night. One minute she’d be covering her bare breasts with her hands like she was embarrassed to let me see them even though by that point they’d been in my hands, in my mouth and under my cock. Then two seconds later this girl would be pushing my head between her legs so I could torture her pussy with my tongue. It was fucking unreal. I still wondered if I was dreaming that she showed up here last night in her pink pajamas and let me carry her to my bed for a night of off-the-charts sex that left me doubting I’d ever be able to even think about another girl.
“There is a problem,” Cassie insisted. “I didn’t really think about the consequences of performing the walk of shame this morning in my bunny pajamas.”
I sipped my coffee and watched her try to wrap the towel around her body again. I wanted to take her back to bed. But Brecken was waiting for me at Cord’s house and Cassie said she had lunch plans with her sister in a few hours.
“You can borrow a t-shirt and some gym shorts from me,” I said, pouring a cup of coffee for her. I’d just bought the coffee machine yesterday and now I was really glad I had.
“Are you hungry?” I asked her, opening the cabinets. There wasn’t much in there yet but I did have two boxes of corn flakes.
“No thanks, you fed me already,” she said and I was confused until she winked at me and pointedly licked her lips. Then I realized she was making a filthy joke. Fuck, she was sexy.
I’d been worried at first about getting too adventurous and scaring her off. She’d had some bad experiences and I was prepared to be as patient as she needed me to be. But Cassie made it pretty clear from the moment I touched her that she was ready to try anything. The possibilities were still making my head spin.
“You should stop grinning from ear to ear like that before you visit my parents’ house,” she advised. “They’re very perceptive. They’ll figure out why.”
“And did they think you were coming over here last night just to tuck me in?”
There she went again, blushing. “I’m sure they prefer to avoid thinking about the specifics at all.”
“In that case I’ll make every effort not to look like a guy who spent the night getting his brains fucked out.”
“Curtis!” she squealed but I knew she liked it. She absolutely got off on the dirty talk. I planned to have a lot of fun with that.
I found a pair of shorts with an adjustable drawstring and a shirt for her to change into since she was so concerned about letting the world see her in her bunny pajamas. She looked cute in my clothes that were far too big for her. I patted my knee in the hopes she would come over and sit in my lap. There were some serious things I needed to say to her so she wouldn’t have any doubts about what happened last night.
Cassie looked suddenly young and uncertain as she settled in my lap and waited for me to speak. I put my arm around her and cradled her close.
“I meant everything I said, Cassidy. You really are my dream girl. I don’t know what I ever did to get lucky enough for you to even give me a second look. And I know I’ve got a lot of baggage but on my end I’m all in. You’re everything I want and I also want to be everything for you.”
She pulled back a little and I saw that her eyes had misted over. “Curtis, do you know how long I’ve been waiting to hear something like that from a guy I really care about?”
She sniffed and I brushed her tears away with my thumb.
“Talk about baggage,” she said, shaking her head. “I’m the freaking queen of baggage. When I started having sex in high school I was really too young, too immature. And then my life imploded and the only thing that made sense to me was to hide. I didn’t want to get hurt again. I kept pretty much everyone except my family at a distance and never really acknowledged how lonely I was.” She peered at me thoughtfully, the tears now fading from her blue eyes. She smiled. “Then I met you and even though we seemed all wrong for each other at first, you turned out to be the one man I could imagine being with.”
“You don’t have to imagine it,” I told her. “This I real.” I kissed her. “This is real too.” I nudged my hand between her knees and stroked her carefully because I knew she had to be a little sore from last night’s marathon sex session. “And this is real.” Then I took her hand and moved it right over my heart so she would feel how fast it was beating for her. “It’s all real.”
It was hard to let her go for even a few hours. We made plans to meet up later, after she hung out with Cami and after I picked up Brecken. I wasn’t looking forward to the upcoming tough conversation with my little brother. I had to tell him Tristan wouldn’t be coming home.
Cassie made me promise that I would wait a good half hour before arriving at her house. She said if we showed up at the same time still basking in the afterglow of great sex while she wore my clothes, it might be too much for Cord Gentry to handle.
After she was gone I made an effort to look as respectable as possible for Cord and Saylor. I also figured I owed it to Cord to have an honest discussion about my relationship with his daughter. After all, he was still my boss. He was also my friend. I wanted him to understand that I had only the best intentions where Cassie was concerned.
Cassie had already left to meet Cami by the time I got there. It was probably better her folks didn’t see us together this morning anyway. I would have had a tough time keeping my eyes off her and my hands to myself.
Saylor answered the door. She was happy to see me. “You don’t have to knock, Curtis,” she scolded, opening the door. “You’re always welcome to come right in.”
“Well, I’m not staying here anymore, so you know…” I let the sentence trail off like an idiot.
Saylor had mercy on me and started chatting about the weather. The summer thunderstorms were late this year. I agreed that yes, they were late and yes, it would be nice to have some rain soon.
Saylor started looking around. “I thought Brecken was getting ready since Cassie told him before she left that you’d be here any minute. Brecken!” she called.