Page 12 of Keep
“You’re going to fuck up something I need.”
“Creed, I didn’t know you played Sugar Rush Village.”
“Knock it off.”
“If I’d known that I would have sent you a cupcake challenge.”
At that instant both men looked up and realized they had an audience. They stared at me.
“Hi, Curtis.” Chase’s greeting was friendly and he waved Creed’s phone in the air.
Creed took the opportunity to snatch the thing back.
Chase ignored him and kept his focus on me. “We were just talking about you a few minutes ago.”
“Yeah?” I said, wondering about the sudden mischievous glint in Chase’s eye. “Should I be worried?”
Creed stuffed his phone in his back pocket, crossed his arms over his broad chest and scowled at his brother before addressing me. “Don’t pay any attention to him.”
Chase was offended. “You were the one who was grumbling about what this young man’s long term intentions might be toward our precious niece. The least you can do is tell him to his face.”
Creed reddened. “Chase, has anyone ever told you that you really need to filter what comes out of your mouth?”
“You tell me that,” Chase shrugged. “Just about every time I see you. It’s actually kind of annoying. Thank god I’m not easily offended.”
Creed regarded me apologetically. “Sorry. I can’t take him anywhere.”
“No worries,” I said, feeling amused by the brothers’ banter. There was no doubt in my mind these men would do anything for each other. I hoped that in the years to come I’d have the same kind of relationship with my own brothers. Brecken and I already had a solid foundation. Tristan was another matter.
“I can assure you,” I told Cassie’s uncles, “that I have nothing but the most honest intentions toward your niece, and that I love her with all my heart.”
The words sounded sappy as fuck. I meant every one of them. Apparently they did the trick of convincing Cassie’s uncles.
“You’re okay, Curtis,” Creed said and shot his brother a warning look.
“Yes,” Chase nodded. “You’re free to join the family anytime. By the way, have you considered changing your last name to Gentry? I tried to talk Dalton into it but he gracefully declined.”
I chuckled. “I’ll think about it.”
Then I left the two brothers to resume their argument about Sugar Rush Village but I did wonder if my future with Cassie was a frequent topic of conversation in the family. I couldn’t blame them for speculating but there was nothing to speculate about. Cassie was my forever. I’d jump at the chance to marry that girl tomorrow.
The music was still going strong and no one in sight appeared remotely alarmed so maybe whatever was troubling Cord was no big deal. The room was hot so I stopped by the bar to get a cup of water and observed Hale was right in front of me ordering a Crown and Coke. Not that it was any of my business, but I wondered how many he’d already had. Maybe he was planning on sleeping off the effects tonight in a room at the resort.
Dalton was chatting with a table full of beautiful people who looked like they ate money for breakfast. I wasn’t sure if they were friends or business associates. He spotted me and excused himself for a moment.
“Is something up?” he asked. “I saw Izzy crying a few minutes ago. She left the ballroom with her parents. Then I saw Cord and Saylor follow.”
“Izzy was crying?” I asked, slightly alarmed. Isabella Gentry was Deck’s beloved teenage daughter. I couldn’t recall ever seeing her burst into tears before. I wondered what could have happened and whether it was related to Cord’s tense face.
Dalton nodded and I scanned the room for any hint of Deck and his family. I didn’t see them. Just when I was about to offer to hunt down some information, Cassie reappeared. Her face was pinched and she paused to speak to Chase’s wife, Stephanie. Stephanie’s hand flew to her mouth for a second and then she beckoned to her husband, who immediately went to her side with Creed on his heels. Cassie let Stephanie do the explaining to her uncles and headed our way.
“What’s wrong?” I asked her.
Cassie bit her bottom lip and looked around, probably searching for Cami, who was still out on the dance floor with no idea that anything had gone awry.
“It’s Izzy. Apparently she’s had severe stomach pain all day but didn’t want to miss the wedding so she didn’t tell her folks. But then after dinner the pain became so bad she broke down and started sobbing. She could hardly stand up at that point so Deck and Jenny are taking her to the hospital.”