Page 6 of The Pretender
“No way in hell did you even get a finger in Camden Galway.”
Todd is insulted. “Like you’d fucking know.”
“Yeah, I do fucking know. She’s a pain but last I heard she’s not blind and brain dead.”
I can’t help but crack up.
Todd’s eyes narrow but he doesn’t have it in him to challenge Kent, who’s one of those barrel chested guys most likely to win in a collision with a truck. Todd loads all his garbage onto his tray and stomps off like the sulky brat he is.
Kent wipes his mouth with a napkin. “Probably running off to change his tampon.”
I’m still laughing. “Probably. But I’m not used to seeing you in the role as a defender of girls.”
Kent shrugs. “Eh, on my own I could care less about that Camden bitch. But she’s sort of a friend of Trina’s so I’m trying to honor the connection. Besides, fuck Bellinger. That cocksucker lies as much as he breathes.”
“He might try saying something more believable than this fiction that he fucked Camden Galway in the ass.” The words taste bad in my mouth. I don’t know why.
My friend is eyeing me now. “What do you care?”
I don’t care. I shouldn’t care. But hearing Asshole Todd drag Camden’s name through the mud makes me feel like hitting something. “He’s just a lying sack of shit. That’s all.”
Kent is still watching me. A lot of times he comes off as an obscene meathead but anyone who’s seen him mooning all over his girl can’t doubt that he has feelings.
“You’ve got a thing for her,” Kent says and then nods to himself as if he’s just delivered a royal decree.
I cross my arms over my chest. “No way. Camden’s always in my business because we both live in Devil Valley. But the girl’s like a block of ice.”
He snorts. “Not a bad rack on that block of ice. Go for it.”
“A minute ago you called her a bitch.”
A grin slowly spreads across his face. “Yeah. But you’re kind of a bitch too.”
I kick him. He kicks me back. Then he shoves his food tray aside and changes the subject.
“What have you got going on this weekend?”
“All weekend?”
“Pretty much.”
“Fuck.” He frowns. “You’re always working these days. You didn’t even make it to last Friday’s game.”
“Got to work when there’s rent to pay.”
Instantly I wish I hadn’t said that. Kent isn’t the perceptive type but something flashes in his eyes and he looks me over more carefully. I’ve never lied to him. I never had to. Kent’s family is loaded and his house is in that insane neighborhood of mansions where the Blackwoods and the other regional royalty live so that has to mean Kent’s family is pretty high up on the economic food chain. But he doesn’t seem to care where I come from or whether or not I have money. All he cares about is if I’m cool to hang out with.
Kent is still thinking and his light eyebrows furrow. “Hey, if you ever need a little cash-“
“I don’t.”
And I really don’t. I don’t want pity. Or handouts. Or questions.
“I’ll be fine after I get my next paycheck,” I tell him. It’s not the complete truth. But it could be argued that nothing I say is the complete truth.
Kent stares at me for another second and then nods. “All right, man.”